Monday, April 23, 2007

A Temporary Reprieve - No Solution for Medicare or Social Security

AP News Alert:
WASHINGTON (AP) The government says the trust funds for Social Security and Medicare will last one year longer than previously expected.
Doesn't matter...I'll not see a dime of what I've paid in to either program...

UPDATE: Via email:
Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) issued the following statement today after the trustees of Social Security and Medicare released their annual report:
“Today’s report reinforces the need for Congress to address runaway entitlement spending that will bankrupt future generations of Americans. It’s troubling that the Democrats’ budget proposal abdicated any responsibility on this issue and completely ignored the rising cost of entitlements. In contrast, the Republican budget included critical protections for Social Security and significant reforms aimed at stemming the coming fiscal tsunami driven by the explosive growth in entitlement spending. The American people want solutions, and I would urge my Democratic colleagues to join Republicans in a serious effort to preserve these programs for future generations.”
NOTE: House Republicans recently released a report on Democrats’ failures during their “first 100 days” as a majority in Congress. The report exposed Democrats’ record of failure on retirement security and notes “House Democrats have failed to bring forward any legislation that would strengthen Americans’ retirement security and pointedly refused to address much-needed reforms to strengthen Social Security in their budget proposal.”