Saturday, April 21, 2007

Weekend Blast: WMD Bloggers Accosted by Liberals at Grocery Store

Yes, it is true....Matt, Doug, and I were shopping at Meijers, and we came to the end of our shopping. We got in one of the exceptionally long lines at the store, and then our cashier turned her light off. Matt, in private conversational tones, said, "Hmmm....with all these lines so long, deciding to shut one down and create more's that for (Meijers) business model?" I was just getting ready to reply, not good, when some soccer mom liberal with her rather paranoid looking daughter butted into our conversation," well, she is entitled to a break. They have to have breaks."
Matt: O really?
Liberal Soccer Mom in Lime green striped shirt: Yes, they are entitled to breaks for working. It is the law....

OK, whatever lady. First of all, Matt having had experience with workers at Meijers and myself having worked retail many moons ago, let me tell you: you don't take breaks unless you get someone to spell you. This girl was not taking a break, she was wanting to go home. Secondly, why is it that nosy liberals have to constantly butt into people's conversations. And add to that, they are loud in their own conversations.

Matt really should have told her if we wanted her opinion, we would have given it to her. Empty headed moron. Then, she walks off with her daughter with her head held high, having bought all these organic products, and promptly gets into a gas guzzling, enviromentally unfriendly jeep with just the two of them, belching smoke. I yelled as they sputtered off, "you are killing like the environment and stuff with your jeep."

Why can't liberals butt out of our daily lives?

Matt's Chat

That woman was SO lucky I didn't give her The Treatment...