Saturday, April 21, 2007

World Snobbery on US and Guns is Unfounded

Many countries' newspapers have criticized the gun culture in the US for causing the VA Tech tragedy. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Check out these gems from the gun control leaders of the world, courtesy of TCS Daily:

Rio de Janeiro - At least 19 people were killed in poor neighbourhoods of Rio de Janeiro on Tuesday, some in a shootout between rival gangs and others in a police raid, Brazilian police said.

And then there's this one....
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Nagasaki mayor shot by gangster
Assailant apprehended immediately, reportedly angry over city contracts
Compiled from Kyodo, AP, staff reports
Nagasaki Mayor Itcho Ito was in critical condition Tuesday evening after being shot by a gangster outside JR Nagasaki Station.

Ito, who was campaigning for Sunday's mayoral election, was shot twice in the back at about 7:52 p.m. by a man police identified as Tetsuya Shiroo, 59

But wait, check this out...
In Scotland authorities are enacting knife control policies because violent crime has continued to climb (with knives as a weapon of choice) in the wake of the nation's gun bans. Should Americans speak contemptuously of Scotland's "blade and booze" culture?

Last November in Emsdetten, Germany, a teenager shot and wounded more than a dozen persons before killing himself. In 2002 in a school in Erfurt, Germany, a gunman killed 17 people and himself.

I do remember a proverb about something and glass houses.....