Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Slow Joe Biden Opens Mouth and Inserts Foot...Again

Quoth Slow Joe Biden in this horribly biased Australian article:
"It's been (Bush's) misguided policy and his mismanaged war that have actually fueled extremism and extremists in Iraq, Afghanistan and beyond," Senator Biden said.

"The president, in my view, likes to confuse the American people by conflating Iraq, Al Qaeda in Iraq, with the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11."
Does Biden seriously think that al Qaeda and the rest of the Islamofascist factions would have just sucked on their thumbs all these years? Is he seriously proposing that George W. Bush is personally responsible for Islamofascist terrorism erupting all over the globe?

Here is a newsflash for Slow Joe: Islamofascists hate us. It doesn't matter if Al Gore or John Kerry were president, these bastards would still be on the offensive against us. It isn't about politics for them...and it shouldn't be about politics for us.

It is just this sort of political point scoring that makes people like John Boehner say things like this:
"Will they support a path that continues success, or they will maintain a platform of failure?"
It really does appear that many leading Democrats are invested in failure and are not interested in any development which doesn't fit their template. The American people are starting to learn the truth about the Democrats and their lies.

Whatever happened to "Listen to the Generals" Senator Biden? Or is that no longer convenient for you and your ilk?

UPDATE: Here is a taste from the Boston Globe that furthers my point:
For most Americans, positive developments in Iraq are very welcome. But good news is bad news for the Democratic left, where opposition to the war has become an emotional investment in defeat. House majority whip Jim Clyburn of South Carolina was asked by the Washington Post what Democrats would think if Petraeus reports next month that the war is going well. "That would be a real big problem for us," Clyburn candidly replied.
Representative Brian Baird of Washington, a liberal Democrat, has opposed the Iraq war from the outset. But having recently come to believe that the new military strategy is working and a premature US withdrawal would be disastrous, he is speaking out in support of staying the course. Naturally he is being denounced on the left; one influential blogger calls him "Dick Cheney's trained monkey." The heat is unpleasant. But Baird is standing his ground.
And lest you Hillary! fans out there think she's the answer, check out this flip-flopping:
The intensity of the left's determination to abandon Iraq was reflected in the reaction to a single line in Hillary Clinton's speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars last week. "We've begun to change tactics in Iraq ," she said, referring to the surge, "and in some areas, particularly al-Anbar province, it's working."

That mild comment instantly drew fire from Clinton 's Democratic rivals. John Edwards's campaign manager, David Bonior, warned her against "undermining the effort in the Congress to end this war." New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, another presidential hopeful, piled on: "The surge is not working. I do not give President Bush the same credit on Iraq that Hillary does." When Barack Obama addressed the VFW one day later, he stuck to the defeatists' script. "Obama Sees a 'Complete Failure' in Iraq ," The New York Times headlined its report on Aug. 22.

Within 48 hours, Clinton was scurrying to toe the all-is-lost line once again: "The surge was designed to give the Iraqi government time to take steps to ensure a political solution. It has failed. . . . We need to . . . start getting out now."
As Glenn Reynolds would say: "The most uncompromising wartime President in the history of the United States." Heh. Indeed.

UPDATE 2: MSNBC reports "MoveOn against Baird":
The liberal, anti-war group will go up with an ad by the end of this week in Democratic Rep. Brian Baird’s district in Washington state, accusing him of a “flip-flop” on the Iraq war.

Baird, along with Sens. Clinton and Carl Levin, recently said the troop surge in Iraq is showing signs of progress -- at least in Al-Anbar province. Baird had voted against the Iraq military action in 2003.

“ Political Action Committee is sponsoring the ad to call attention to the congressman’s decision to go against the views of his constituents, and his previous voting record, to support President Bush’s failed policy in Iraq ,” the group said in an e-mailed statement.

“Congressman Baird’s new position, in favor of keeping our troops in an unwinnable civil war in Iraq , is out of line with the majority of his district and the nation,” Nita Chaudhary of MoveOn said in the statement. “So far this has been one of the bloodiest summers in Iraq and voters don’t want to continue down a failed path. They want representatives who will stand up to President Bush’s reckless policy and bring our troops home.”
This sort of thing will be the downfall of the MoveOn crowd. It happened on the right, and now it is happening on the left... Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it...