Thursday, January 31, 2008

OH-02: Schmidt Out-Raises Primary Opponents

This just in...
Cincinnati, Ohio -- Congresswoman Jean Schmidt today announced that her campaign had raised nearly $140,000 for the quarter and close to $400,000 for the year. This quarter’s totals far exceeded that of her primary opponents, who had not yet raised more than $6,000.00 during the same period.

“Obviously with four weeks to go before the primary, and a significant fundraising advantage, and leading your opponents 57 to 9 in the polls, we feel pretty good,” Schmidt’s Spokesman Bruce Pfaff said. However, we will continue run an aggressive issues-based campaign and continue our media campaign which began two weeks ago,” Pfaff added.

Congresswoman Schmidt’s closest opponent State Rep., Tom Brinkman filed fundraising
reports showing he had raised less than $5,000.00. Polling conducted by the Republican Party and Schmidt’s Campaign show Brinkman registering in single digits in the polling.

Former County Commissioner Phil Heimlich withdrew from the race this month but his name will appear on the ballot but his votes will not be tallied.

“I recognize that many people believe the primary is over but we will continue to run a fully engaged campaign,” Pfaff added.

Schmidt’s campaign also announced the re-launch of its Web site, for individuals to contact the campaign or contribute money.

The GOP Primary is four weeks from Tuesday on March 4th.