Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Butler County Commission Update

Our new friend Josh from Cox Newspapers has two stories worth checking out today on this race.

The first is a question and answer session where both candidates were asked the same questions. I love these kinds of pieces because the contrasts between the candidates is easier to spot... In my opinion, Chuck Furmon fares better in this one.

The second piece is an "expose" of the rift that Dillingham and the Rawnicans have attempted to open in the Butler County Republican Party. At the heart of this perfidy is something being called the "Dynus Financial Scandal" by the Rawnicans. Josh only hints at this in the final three paragraphs of his piece, but a full scale investigation of the issue will find that the "fault" for the "scandal" lies with Mike Fox and Kay Rogers. All you need to know about Furmon's "role" in the "scandal" is who asked for the FBI investigation. Here is a hint: It wasn't Dillingham, Fox or Rogers...

UPDATE: By the way, that press release from Kay Rogers is STILL not on her office website...