Friday, February 01, 2008

Hannity, Limbaugh, and Levin: Too Little, Too Late?

This is what ticks me off about our conservative pundit class. We know who the real conservatives were, but they have to act like they are objective and just reporters or "entertainers" when in reality they are more than that. They drive conservative and Republican opinion. Sean Hannity yesterday came out in support and endorsement of one Mitt Romney. (HT: GatewayPundit). Mark Levin also joined him, citing Romney as the only conservative remaining in this year's race. And, of course, the way Rush is going on about McCain everyday, he is in it for Romney as well.

However, where were these guys a month ago? Where were they when it really mattered, before McCain had all the momentum? Where were these guys when it was time to stand up for conservative values? Only now, when things look all but done to they come out? Why not have backed Fred Thompson earlier? It was only as SC was looming that Rush called him the True Conservative in the race...Too Little, Too late! Again, these guys, if they want to make opinion, you don't shape it less than 4 days before the vote...Sean Hannity tried this in Ohio with Blackwell, in a last minute whirlwind tour...and failed miserably.

Have they woken up, too little, too late?