Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Paper Outside of District Endorses Brinkman

The uber-liberal Dayton Daily News has endorsed Tom Brinkman in OH-02. Here is the press release from Team Brinkman:

GOP Should Switch to Brinkman

Rep. Jean Schmidt's close calls in two elections are not the only reason Republicans in her district are well-advised to see if they can find a better candidate.

She has been known to speak favorably of having nuclear waste from around the world stored in Pike County. (That could bring jobs, but not the sort that would do the most for the county.)

When the scandal broke about wounded war veterans getting poor treatment at the outpatient facility at the Walter Reed complex in Washington, she said the whole thing was overblown in the media. (In time, though, President Bush decided heads needed to roll.)

She has circulated newspaper columns under her name that were not written by her or even her staff, but by a central Republican office.

And a state board ruled that she had exaggerated her education and falsely claimed two endorsements.

Add these embarrassments to the episode in which she publicly scolded decorated former Marine John Murtha, a congressman, that "cowards cut and run; Marines never do."

The 2nd District and Ohio need to be represented by somebody whose reputation is not connected to such bush-league mistakes.

As this year approached, there was much ferment within Republican circles about Rep. Schmidt's seat. Several names were mentioned as possible opponents. Now, however, the race is down to the incumbent and state Rep. Tom Brinkman, of Cincinnati.

Like the incumbent, Rep. Brinkman (who was one of the people she beat in 2005) is very intensely conservative.

However, in four terms in Columbus, Rep. Brinkman has earned an improving reputation. He likes to point to a magazine poll that labeled him the Statehouse's "most principled" legislator.

He supported moderate Jim Petro over right-winger J. Kenneth Blackwell for governor, saying, among other things, that Mr. Blackwell's anti-tax plan would have hurt local governments. (Some people say personal animosities were at play involving Cincinnati politics.)

Rep. Brinkman does show at least one sign of moderation. He says that when he ran for the legislature eight years ago, the main thing he wanted to do was cut taxes. He says he has since learned that there's a more important consideration in building an economy: improving the quality of education.

That's a sacrilege in his political circles. But he argues that places that are thriving more than Ohio - he notes Chicago and New York - don't have lower taxes, just a better work force.

Rep. Brinkman could represent the district better than the incumbent and probably be a stronger candidate in November.

Complete article:

"We were both invited to present our case for election," said Brinkman, "and I'm pleased they realize I am the stronger candidate in November and will restore honor to our district."
I have to hand it to Tom Brinkman...he convinced these liberals on a whole mess of hooey... What a complete hitjob on the veteran Congresswoman and a disservice to any OH-02 reader that the DDN might actually have...

UPDATE: I have been reminded that the DDN has some influence in OH-02's Warren that makes the paper's endorsement based on deception any less ridiculous...

2/22 UPDATE: It just occured to me that DDN's influence in Warren county won't matter all that much anyway. That is Lori Viars country and those folks weren't voting for Schmidt anyway...