Wednesday, February 13, 2008

WMD Blast: Throw The Bums Out! Edition

Potomac Primary Update:

  • It was a good night to be Barry Obama or Maverick John McCain. No news there...

  • It was NOT a good night to be an incumbent Congressman from Maryland. Both a Democrat and a Republican managed to lose primaries. CQ Politics has the best analysis I've seen so far, including this bit:
    Republican Gilchrest, on the other hand, made no adjustment in his voting behavior to accommodate the growing restiveness among 1st District conservative Republicans over his straying from party orthodoxy on issues such as environmental regulation and abortion rights. In fact, Gilchrest took his contrarian tendencies to an even greater level. He openly broke with the Bush administration on the Iraq war, and was one of only two House Republicans who last year supported a Democratic-crafted measure that would have required the setting of a timetable to being withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq; the other was Texas Rep. Ron Paul, who this year is running for president to promote his libertarian philosophy (and who endorsed Gilchrest in his House primary).

  • Speaking of Ron Paul, he's in trouble too... Justin Higgins has an overview, but the story "broke" over at The FDH Lounge. Could we see another incumbent trounced in a primary? The guys at RedState are backing Chris Penden and I'll be watching this race develop...

  • War on Terror Update

    Behold the nature of our enemy, via an AP News Alert:
    BAGHDAD (AP) U.S. military says administrator of a Baghdad psychiatric hospital detained "in connection with the possible exploitation of mentally impaired women by al-Qaida."
    That's just sick, man... You can not trust our enemy to uphold their oaths...and sadly, all stories like this do is place doubt on all Muslims. You can't tell the "good" from the "bad" so the reasonable person would trust neither.