Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Primary2008: OH-18 (R)

Some very early numbers from the Secretary of State:
Phillips, Paul (R) 51.31% 1,152
Dailey, Fred (R) 24.68% 554
Moll, Jeannette (R) 20.40% 458
Bromberg, Beau (R) 3.61% 81
Dailey is doing much better than I thought he would...but it is early.

10:10PM - New numbers from Jenny's place...
Dailey, Fred (R) 35.42% 6,465
Moll, Jeannette (R) 33.36% 6,089
Phillips, Paul (R) 23.57% 4,302
Bromberg, Beau (R) 7.64% 1,395
Fred takes the lead... Weird...