Monday, March 03, 2008

We Get Letters: More Sheriff 'Lies' and Rawnica Questions

Another email:
I just received a robocall where Simon Leis says that he supports Rawnica. He said that she had done something to help senior citizens. I wasn't paying a lot of attention at first. It sounded like he made the statement over the phone to her..lots of static.
This is extremely irritating. Why is he interfering in another county's race?

Susan - Liberty Twp
Well, all you really need to know is that OUR beloved Sheriff Jones is supporting Chuck Furmon. Why is Sheriff 'Lies' campaigning for Rawnica? Well, a little bird told me that he is actually embarrassed to do so... You see, the story goes that Rawnica got the introduction to Sheriff 'Lies' on less than honest grounds and then after he endorsed her managed to put in a call to Sheriff Jones.

If you are still concerned by this ask yourself why Rawnica would want Sheriff 'Lies''s endorsement in the first place. She's ranting and raving about cost overruns on the emergency radio project here in Butler County (which totalled about $100k over estimated budget) while Sheriff 'Lies' wanted to spend MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars on a new jail and "programs." He was so adamant about getting his hands on those MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars that he pushed the Hamilton County Commission to forget what the voters said and just allocate the funds and raise taxes anyway.

But that's not what you asked...

You asked "Why is HE interferring in another county's race?" And the answer is: He's a politican...he's doing what politicians do...