Thursday, June 26, 2008

Boehner on Why He's in Dee Cee

One of these days, Republican Leader, my Congressman and a Great American -- John Boehner -- is going to give this speech...

Folks, Boehner is the real deal...and he's pushing a conservative agenda. His leadership on energy has been phenomenal and I think we're about to see a similar effort on security issues.

UPDATE 1: is what he really said when Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey (D-WI) abruptly shut down a markup rather than vote on GOP energy reforms to increase the supply of American-made energy and help lower gasoline prices:
“Today’s display is yet another example of Democratic leaders ducking a real debate on common sense energy reforms to help increase American-made energy and help lower gas prices. Republicans tried once again to get straight, up-or-down votes on real energy reforms that would make a real difference for struggling families and small businesses. Chairman Obey shut down the debate rather than allow the votes to occur. Democratic Leaders are too beholden to radical environmentalists, who want gas prices to rise even more, to allow a vote – any vote – on proposals that would actually make a difference.

“Gas prices have risen 75 percent since Democrats took the Majority in Congress. The American people don’t want excuses; they want action to help. They’re canceling vacations, cutting back on summer plans, and some are even losing their jobs because of the energy crisis. The inaction and callous indifference from Democratic leaders to the problems facing our families and small businesses is stunning. Congress should not leave town without voting on real reforms to increase American energy production and help lower gas prices. Though the Democratic leadership may be prepared to do so, Republicans will continue to demand a vote on real energy reforms, and we’ll be right back here on July 8 fighting for lower gas prices on behalf of the American people.”
I'm sure I saw the word gum in there somewhere...

UPDATE 2: On the floor of the United States House of Representatives...

UPDATE 3: Okay, here is what he really said:
“I’d like to thank my colleague for yielding and tell my colleagues that in 1992 I voted for this bill. In 1992 the Chairman of the Committee voted for the bill. In 1992, Mr. Hoyer, the Majority Leader, and Ms. Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, voted for the same bill. It’s already the current law.

“All this is, is another excuse, put up by the Majority to not go after more American energy. That’s all this is. We’ve got more excuses, we’re going to blame it on speculators, blame it on oil companies, blame it on OPEC when there’s only one group, only one group in this chamber we ought to blame and that is all the Liberals in this House who have voted for no energy each and every time over the last 18 years that I’ve been here. 46 votes. 46 votes have been brought to this floor over the last 18 years that I’ve been here to produce more American-made energy. I voted yes 46 times out of 46. Ms. Pelosi, as an example, voted yes twice. Just twice. And how many times did the gentleman from West Virginia vote to bring more American-made energy to the market?

“We are giving $600 billion a year to people in the Middle East, money that could be spent here in America if we were willing to bring more oil out of our ground in an environmentally safe way. Republicans have put forward an all of the above strategy. We need to conserve more of our energy, we need to develop biofuels, we need to develop alternative fuels, we need to have nuclear energy and yes, we need to produce more oil and gas here in America in an environmentally safe way. But all we get from the other side, each and every time are excuses. Let’s blame somebody else.

“We’re about to go home for our Independence Day District Work Period. We should not leave here until we take steps that will help us move our country toward more energy independence. Not more excuses, not more posing for holy pictures as the Chairman of the Appropriations Committee would say. We need to bring bills to the floor that will actually put members on record whether they’re for more American made or not. I’m willing to show my constituents how I’ll vote. Let’s let all of America see how our colleagues will vote for more American-made energy which is what we need to do to bring gas prices down in America.”