Wednesday, August 27, 2008

GOP Platform Committee Screwed Us Today

By a vote of 39 to 12, the Platform Committee voted for the status quo on the fiasco we just experienced that is laughingly called a primary season. When given a chance to actually do something constructive about how the Republican Party chooses their nominee, the Platform Committee decided that Obama vs. McCain isn't so bad... Of course, what this really means is that states who defied the process last time (I'm looking at the "great" Saul Anuzis of Michigan in particular, but Florida as well), will get a free pass to play their games again next time.

The really good news is that once this is set, the rules can only be interpreted -- not amended -- until the next convention. Personally, I think their ought to be a floor fight over acceptance of the platform based on this argument alone, but the GOP is too boring for that. They'd rather just screw us... Again...

By the way, regulars around these parts know that I'm not a fan of OhioGOP Chairman Bob Bennett, but the Ohio Plan (which Bennett crafted) was the best work he's done in years...and short of announcing his retirement, I can't think of a better thing he's done before or since.

UPDATE: Chairman Bennett is right!