Friday, August 29, 2008

On Palin: For the 11814th time in my life....

...I am proud to be an American....You see, unlike SOME PEOPLE, I have been proud to be an American every day of my life, warts and all....I am 32 so, 11814 days and counting...and yes, that includes adult and young person, because I have always been proud to be an American, unlike some people we all know....

However, today is special. Today, John McCain actually took steps toward change, as opposed to just giving lip service about it. While the left has talked about females being moms and career women, the Republicans have done something about having a woman in a powerful position, as they always have led in reality on these matters (see Sandy O'Connor, Kirkpatrick, Rice, Today I am proud that John McCain has named Sarah Palin of Alaska as his running mate. She is exactly what this ticket needs. She is a fresh face (gosh, who was the one who didn't want "politics as usual" and then named a seasoned wonk as his running mate?), she has good conservative credentials and values (pro-life, faith, hunting and fishing), but at the same time has a great reputation as a reformer (see what she has done with some of the corruption in Alaska) and also is a woman who live in today's world and has balanced motherhood and a career in politics.

Sarah Palin is a great pick. An excellent pick, dare I say an inspired pick. THIS is real change we can believe in, as opposed to Empty Suit and Hairplugs.

Now, I know what is going to be coming from the Left. They have already said she is "too inexperienced to be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office." Um, ok...pot, meet ketlle; kettle, pot. And besides that, she is not the top of the ticket. Also, I don't recall her running mate say she would rather run with the candidate from the other party (see Biden, Joe). Also, she has just as much experience as governor as Obama does in the Senate. AND, she has to deal with other nations. Canada? Russia? Japan? So, I would say she has just as much experience and more than Barry does in international affairs. Oh yeah, and she knows a thing or two about energy, too!

The other attack will be on her family. Already John Roberts at CNN was attacking her for getting into the race with having a baby infant with Down Syndrome, trying to intimate that Mrs. Palin is going to neglect the child if she runs....hmmm, well, gee, doesn't that slap feminists in the face, saying that you either have to be a mother or have a career? Kind of a double standard on the lefty side, don't you think?

And they won't stop there, either. They are going to go after her on her choice to have a baby at age 44. They are going to say, and I have seen hints of this on the leftysphere already, how dare she have a child at irresponsible, how callous. Why didn't she abort, I mean, how dare she torture a soul by bringing it into the world as a person with Down Syndrome? I can see the loons out there already: McCain loves torturing enemies, and Palin loves torturing her children...You think I am kidding but John Roberts is helping lay the groundwork. Daily Kossucker and the HuffnPuff Post will have loons put that kind of stuff up there, and don't even think that the DemUnderground won't stoop there. It just shows you that to the Left, it is all talk, it is all about the shell game. Women matter until we have the next voting bloc. Obama didn't even give a woman a chance in his party...We named one to the 2nd highest office in the land....Obama named a guy who is so full of himself he has admitted to falling in love with his own voice. We named a woman who started with the PTA and has worked in service to her fellow citizens....

Which is real change? Which is something different?

Sarah Palin is an excellent pick, and I am proud that she is on the ticket....

Oh yeah, did I mention she is a looker, too?

Note to the Ohio GOP and the RNC: next time you are going to make a big announcement, do it in a house that has a decent sound system. The Nutter Center sucked in terms of sound system...and you can quote me on that....