Wednesday, August 27, 2008

RELEASE: Krikorian Gets Love From Lou Dobbs

Will Lou Dobbs find out what we already know? That Kevorkian Krikorian has no chance of winning and actually ensures that Rep. Jean Schmidt will win again... I guess Lou will discover that tonight...
A crew from CNN (Lou Dobbs Tonight) will be in Cincinnati on Wednesday, August 27, 2008, following David Krikorian, the Independent, "non-party" candidate for Congress as he campaigns in Ohio's second district.

This November 4th, David Krikorian plans to make history by defeating his Republican and Democratic opponents sending a clear message to the parties that "America Has Had Enough!"

An Independent candidate being elected to Congress is a news story of national interest and David is receiving national attention as the Independent candidate poised to win this November.

The day of filming will include:

"Coffee with David"
Wednesday, August 27th, 2008
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
7894 Camargo Road, Madeira
at Campaign HQ (open to all)

With David's election this November, the two parties should begin to realize that they need to start operating based on the best interests of the people or they will be voted out. This is a message for all the ordinary citizens in our country who, too, have "Had Enough" of politics as usual. David's challenge of the Republican and Democratic party machines will inspire your readers, just as it has inspired us. We, the people, can take back control of our government.
And the three people who watch Lou Dobbs will know the truth...

I think it would be awesome if someone would ask David if he knows anything at all about the laws that govern campaign sign placement...