Wednesday, August 27, 2008

RSC Supports Presidential Veto of Any Proposed OCS Moratoria

The Republican Study Committee (RSC) has gathered a veto-sustainable number of signatures (146) on a letter to Democrat leadership, urging them not to schedule any legislation that would continue the moratoria on oil and gas leasing on most of the Outer Continental Shelf and on oil shale leasing on federal lands. Such moratoria are set to automatically expire on October 1st—a day the RSC and Senator DeMint (R-SC) are calling “American Energy Freedom Day.” The letter, which will be sent in September, also notes that, should any legislation extending these moratoria be sent to President Bush’s desk, the RSC would encourage the President to veto it.

This is the kind of leadership we've been lacking on the energy issue and it is refreshing to see the House Republicans getting their act together.