Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thoughts on the "New" Politics

Before his election, Barack Obama wrote a series of letters to federal employees promising more funding and “new power to bureaucrats.” Meanwhile, compensation packages for lobbyists have doubled in the past six months as firms scramble to hire Democrats. We are about to see the end of the secret ballot and we have already seen the the demise of open and honest political fund raising.

Once upon a time, Obama indicated that going back to Washington with the same Washington people and expecting a different result was not something he thought was smart. Just look at who he's selecting to serve in his cabinet and you can see what a farce this is.

It was an understated theme during the campaign, but the President-Elect does not really reflect a new tone of politics. If anything, Obama represents a step backwards on several fronts and only time will tell if the way we elect the President of the United States is permanently altered in a negative manner. My guess: probably so.

Real campaign finance reform must be looked at in order to prevent the massive fraud committed by Team Obama and their internet operation. The registration process must be examined with all of the opportunities for fraud eliminated. The voting process itself must be restored to Election Day if faith is to be restored to the system.

Will any of these things be seriously approached? I'm not holding my breath... Democrats aren't interested in fair elections; they are only interested in winning elections by any means neccessary.

11/19 UPDATE: Elsewhere on AlGore's internets, our good friend Modern Esquire takes me to task for some poorly phrased rhetoric in this post. Allow me to revise and extend...

I don't think 2008 was "stolen"...I think we have no way of knowing if 2008 was stolen. That's my point. The process has become so shrouded in games that it is no longer possible to know for sure if shenangians had a significant role in the results.

I lay blame for that on Jenny Brunner.

She had an opportunity to referee the game, but she chose to put on a uniform at play it too. It would have been nice if we could look at these results and know that nothing untoward happened. I can't do that because I no longer have faith in the system. There are too many opportunities for fraud in the system and I would like to think that our elections were fair and square. I don't think it is too much to ask that we take a look -- not at the results -- but at the process.

I don't think there is any point to bemoaning the way Obama won. He won. And that's that. But I do think we ought to take a real close look at the way we do elections in this country and in this state to restore the faith in the system.

Modern Esquire: I never said that 2008 was stolen. You are better than that and I expected more from you. Also, thanks for not addressing any of the other points in this post... I will just assume that you agree with all of them then...