Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Where Have All The Voters Gone?

In this morning's Journal-News, letter writer Jeffrey Kimball from Oxford opines that the dropoff of votes from 2004 caused Obama to win and that Butler County contributed to his victory. While it is a fact that there were 8,000 less votes casts for McCain than for Bush in 2004, the rest of the ticket, overall did pretty well.

It is this writer's opinion that the dropoff could be attributed more to the relentess beating of a cooperative press who annointed King Obama right from the getgo. The fact of the matter is that the Democrats energized the 18-29 year olds who voted overwhelmingly for the snake charming methods of the DemocRATS.

I tip my hat, they energized a newly organzied base and even if they did it with less than honorable intent, they did do it. Of course, the local democrats still took a pretty good licking except in the case of one race, more comments on that later.

The Butler County Republican Party should take pride in getting their local slate elected. The confidence the voters bestowed along with the high caliber and quality of the candidates we placed on the ballot clearly shows the dominance of a well oiled and committed political machine. What is not known is how hard we actually have to work to get those results and how many people do it without any glory or recognition and I, for one, proudly salute your effort!