Monday, November 17, 2008

WMD Blast


  • RNC Chair Update

  • LINKS:

  • The Point: "Voinovich vs. Fisher?" -- Ben makes some good observations here.

  • OPENERS: "Batchelder to lead Ohio House Republican caucus" -- Excellent news!

  • PolitickerOH: "DeWine sends damage control email to party leaders" -- The Lori Viars crowd are still applying their litmus tests...

  • 3:45pm Update from Mark

    Now Matt, Lori and her crowd aren't the only ones getting mouthy...from the article:
    Leaders of the Family First political action committee and the Coalition Opposed to Additional Spending and Taxes have sent emails to central committee members asking them to not vote for DeWine as chairman when they meet in December.

    That group in bold? COAST! Yep, looks like Tom Brinkman and his cult want to be players as well.....

  • Hamilton Journal-News: "Council may decide this week on tax credit" -- To tax hike or not to tax hike...