Monday, December 08, 2008

Whose Watching the Wolf?

With the cries of reform all around I find it interesting to note that the wolf is guarding the sheep pen and it is absolutely nuts that Jennifer Brunner would be the one who wants us to wait until next year to reform the process.

While it is estimated that over 200,000 entries were wrongfully entered by misplaced data entry, it is atonishing that we never challenge the process. Would it have made a difference in the final outcome, probably not. However, I am more interested in the future, when the luster starts to dull on our new wonder boy.

I am of the opinion that the wolf watchers have fallen asleep at the switch. Therefore, it is a call to action that should permeate down to the very fiber of our beings. Are we going to continue to wallow in the sea of mediocrity or is it time to plan for a brighter future? Of course, it would help if we had something to work with, not the same old formula of failure that has haunted us for the past several years.