Saturday, March 27, 2010

Brown County: Money and Vengeance Edition

OK, previously on WMD....We disclosed the incident involving Judge Scott Gusweiler and Clerk of Courts Tina Meranda. Then, we discussed how Tina Meranda decided to get bomb throwing and self proclaimed "proud Ambulance chaser" (see last night's 700wlw broadcast between 11pm and midnight) Eric Deters to bring further shame and reproach on Brown County, and generally cost the county more money. Well, we now have some updates.

Mark goes on the Air with Bulldog, Bulldog obfuscates

So, I'm driving home last night and I hear Deters on the air. I had been told he was going to release info on this case on his website. Hadn't seen anything, so I figured I would call. As I am on hold, Deters is engaging in his usual schizophrenic diatribes, on the one hand claiming to be a "proud ambulance chaser" but then railing against Obamacare and the high costs of providing health care to his employees in his "businesses." Sound a bit hypocritical? Yep. Anyway, I get on the air and I ask the Bulldog what this is really all about: is it an ethics thing, money thing, what is it since it sounds like it is going to be in civil court? Well, the Bulldog lashes out and says he won't discuss the case until he releases his lawsuit on Monday on his website, and that he doesn't leak info on cases, but that the lawsuit would "speak for itself." Hmmm...doesn't leak anything about cases before filing suit, eh? Well then, what about this from the Brown County Press:

Deters Gives Advanced Copy of Lawsuit to Brown County Press to Taint Jury Pool

(headline is mine)
Allegations of "abusive, overbearing and inappropriate behavior" are included in an upcoming lawsuit against Brown County Common Pleas Judge Scott Gusweiler.

Brown County Clerk of Courts Tina Meranda is suing Gusweiler in Brown County for "a pattern and practice" of such behavior "outside the scope of his duties" as Judge.

Meranda's attorney, Eric Deters, released a preliminary copy of the pending suit to the Brown County Press. It had not been filed with the court at press time.

The complaint is alleging that Judge Gusweiler violated Ohio Revised Code 2921.03 which covers criminal intimidation.

OK, now previously, in the comments for the last update, someone recited the chapter and verse of what this violation entails per the Ohio revised code. Go check it out in the comments for the last update.

But, do I not see a strategy developing by the pathological schitzoid Deters? Not willing to debate or face questions regarding the suit, he does release a "preliminary copy" to the local press of the county in question...why? We will get back to this later.

However, regarding the ORC violation and criminal actions, I don't have a law degree. I wasn't there. So, I will defer to Brown County Prosecutor Jessica Little, cited in the article from the Press:
Brown County Prosecuting Attorney said in her opinion, Gusweiler did not violate that statute.

"I do not intend to pursue any criminal proceeding in any manner whatsoever" Little said.

Little added that only the Prosecuting Attorney can bring a criminal complaint in the county, but that Meranda can pursue a civil complaint against Gusweiler if she wishes.

So, this answers the one question. This is not about the law...This is about money and vengeance. Before ol' Chuckles comes over and begins to besmirch Prosecutor Little, let me say that while I don't know her personally I have discussed her legal acumen with Paul Hall, Danny Bubp and others and they all say she is very competent and up to the job and has the highest degree of integriy. Chuckles will come here trying to cry conspiracy, but that is all he and the 5-8 people who show up for Democrat central committee meetings ever do nowadays. Now, in the most recent update, a commenter said that the origins of the original incident involving changing of the locks in the Clerk's office had to do with:
The day in question (the day that the locks were changed), Court was in session at 8:00a.m. However, the Clerk's office was on a two-hour snow delay (on the tax payers dollar). This made it necessary for someone from the court's office to gain access to the Clerk's office to get the files needed so that court sessions could proceed that morning.

Now, did this make Meranda lose face? I don't know. But, needless to say, the question of what happened at this time leaves one to question. I have no personal knowledge of current wrongdoing, but let us not forget that Ms. Meranda's office was cited by outgoing Auditor of State Mary Taylor in an audit and found to have engaged in some wrongdoing. Ms. Meranda's response was to fire one employee, blame all her predecessors, and then act like she was the lone crier of foul in the wilderness. Throwing people under the bus for embarrassing her appears to be standard operating procedure. Wasn't aware Tina was from Chicago.

OK, so let's get back to the complaint filed by Tina and the Bullhorn, Eric Deters:
One entry in the complaint reads; "Six months after becoming Judge, Defendant (Gusweiler) instructed Plaintiff's (Meranda) staff not to accept any filings from his predecessor, because the Defendant stated 'The sons-of-b****** have had plenty of time to learn who is the Judge around here."

There are a total of 13 factual allegations in the complaint.

OK, these are "factual" complaints. Where are the dates? Where are the specifics? All I am hearing so far is hearsay and what seems like an effort to paint Gusweiler as some type of loose cursing cannon. While the language may be regrettable, a)we don't know for a fact this language was used, and b)some people use more colorful metaphors.

The complaint at the heart of the dispute regards a set of keys to the Clerk of Courts office that Gusweiler issued a court order to Meranda to provide.

The complaint alleges that Gusweiler told Meranda he "had a deputy sheriff waiting to take her to jail for contempt of court" if she didn't provide them to him.

It continues, saying that Brown County Prosecuting Attorney Jessica Little was present and told Gusweiler not to have Meranda arrested without due process.

The complaint alleges that Gusweiler responded "I don't need your f****** advice" and continued that "fearing Defendant and his demeanor, Plaintiff gave Defendant the keys he demanded."

Woah, wait a minute here! We have a shifting story now....Back in the first story covering this issue, Ms. Meranda was quoted like this:
Meranda said Gusweiler then told the two women "She will give me the keys or she'll be arrested."

Little responded "Judge I represent both of you, but I advise you not to arrest her without due process."

Meranda said the judge responded "I don't give a f*** about your advice."
At that point, Meranda turned over the keys.

Which is it? More inconsistencies appear as one looks over the retellings vs. the latest. More and more, this appears to be revenge driven and money driven. Maybe Ms. Meranda needs some help with the medical bills. Maybe the winery isn't doing well. I don't know, but I don't see this as "crusading clerk of courts standing up for the rule of law" especially given Meranda's history of less than above board meandering herself.

Back to the latest from the press:
The lawsuit says that because of those actions, Gusweiler is guilty of "attempting to influence, intimidate or hinder a public servant (Meranda) in the discharge of the person's duty".

Meranda is asking the court to order Gusweiler not to interfere with her duties and to order him to stop his "abusive, overbearing and inappropriate" behavior, saying such behavior is "outside the scope" of his duties as Judge.

The complaint concludes by asking for a jury trial and for compensatory and punitive damages against Judge Gusweiler.

Should the case go to trial, the Ohio Supreme Court will assign a visiting judge to hear the case.

Once the complaint is filed with the court, Gusweiler will be provided an attorney at county expense.

His attorney would then respond to the complaint

So, because of some choice words, some crazy circumstances, hurt pride and who knows what else, this is going to cost the county tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees, as well as lost hours of work by both of these officials and possibly the prosecutor, who may be a material witness. Look, I am disappointed in the language used by Gusweiler and by the hiring of Deters to drag this county through the mud. If there is wrongdoing, there should be punishment for it. However, the true sadness is that this could have all been handled better with some freaking maturity on both sides.

However, to paint Meranda as some crusader against overbearing judges misses some of the details. She is asking for compensatory and PUNITIVE damages. She is making the county incur thousands in legal costs. Also, her attorney is playing dirty pool by releasing this tripe to the local media to taint the jury pool (note how she requests a jury trial, but yet how can people not be biased now that they have seen the alleged language used by Gusweiler and the slanted story of Ms. Meranda?). She will also be costing the state money in terms of sending in a visiting judge.

Again, the questions remain: where did this all start? How could it have been avoided? What specifically is defined as criminal? The only one looking like having common sense in this matter is Prosecutor Little. However, Eric Deters is not the crusading attorney. He is using this to further his career and also to taint the public opinion against Gusweiler.

We will stay on these developments here at WMD. Deters will supposedly be releasing the full text of the lawsuit Monday. Maybe at that time we will get more perspective on the situation, and who knows, maybe thoughts will change. But, at this point, this appears to be a scorched earth vendetta by a public official who has done similar things in the past, and who doesn't care what it may cost the county or state in terms of reputation as well as actual dollars.

Friday, March 26, 2010

ABC of Ohio Endorses Morgan

Huber Heights, Ohio - Associated Builders and Contractors of Ohio, Inc. (ABC of Ohio) announced its unanimous endorsement of Seth Morgan, CPA for Auditor of State on Friday, March 26.

"As state representative, Seth Morgan demonstrated he has the character and strength to be a strong, independent and trustworthy watchdog of the Ohio treasury," said Thaddeus Claggett, Chairman of the ABC of Ohio board.
Associated Builders and Contractors is the largest construction association devoted to the merit shop contractor. ABC of Ohio is comprised of three Ohio chapters, representing nearly 1,000 companies. In all, 77 chapters in a nationwide federation represent 25,000 member companies with 2 million employees across the U.S.
"Seth's strong support in the business community is a validation that business leaders want a certified public accountant in the auditor's office. He has the record as city councilman and state representative of supporting policies that help businesses grow," Claggett said.
"As a CPA, Seth Morgan has a keen understanding of how to audit Ohio's many divisions of state and local government. But being Auditor of State also requires a person who has demonstrated the courage of his convictions. Seth Morgan did just that when he successfully stood up to Governor Strickland's effort to hide important policy information from Ohio policy makers. Seth Morgan made Ohio government more transparent and more accountable as state representative. As Auditor of State, he'll continue that openness which will protect taxpayer funds from waste, fraud and theft," Claggett said.

Ohio Health Care Freedom Act Update

State Representatives Ron Maag (R-Lebanon) and Barbara Sears (R-Maumee) praised the Ohio Senate for taking action on the Ohio Health Care Freedom Act saying:
“Senate Bill 244, introduced by Senators Shannon Jones and Tim Grendell, is a vital step toward ensuring that Ohioans will maintain control over their own health care. With our state already facing an $8 billion budget deficit in the next budget, the last thing Ohio’s families need is a pricy, substandard mandate that will diminish their access to vital services while driving up costs on the taxpayers and small businesses.

“This is a turning point in our state’s history that can either spur us to protect the interests of our state, or bankrupt Ohio’s families and grow our deficit. It’s clear which side House Insurance Committee chairman Dan Dodd and the House majority has chosen by silencing our Ohio Health Care Freedom Act, which we proposed in August 2009. Because the House majority refused to give this measure due consideration, I am pleased that our colleagues in the Senate have stepped forward to provide leadership on this issue.

“In the wake of the federal health care bill’s passage, Senate Bill 244 will ensure that Ohio is not soaked with new federal taxes or mandates and help give Ohioans a voice on the health care reform issue.”
If you support this legislation, you will want to sign this petition to keep the momentum going strong.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Team Morgan Not Exactly Clear on Endorsement Either

Our friends in Columbus sent me evidence that Team Morgan wasn't exactly clear in their Twitter and Facebook posts either, but I will point out that by the time Team Morgan sent their posts out they were having to beat back the impression that Yost was solely endorsed.  That's not an excuse for not being clear (even though I will admit that the 140 character limit on Twitter does make clarity difficult sometimes), but my criticism of Gormley and Bir wasn't about the "dual endorsement" language, it was about the lack of transparency on the correction.  Trying to say that the Buckeye Firearms association re-affirmed their dual endorsement is NOT the same thing as saying that the BFA asked you to fix a blunder.

But I will admit that Team Morgan failed to get it right too...

ORP Issues 527-Media-Style "Correction"

The Ohio Republican Party now acknowledges that the Buckeye Firearms Association issued a "dual endorsement" on their website. The responsible thing to do would be to also acknowledge this correction with a flurry of Twitter and Facebook posts as well, but I guess we can't expect that to happen.

Why do I call it a 527-Media-Style "Correction"? Because they don't acknowledge at all that they made a mistake and it is exactly that sort of thing that the Republicans accuse the lamestream media of doing in their coverage.

But they finally did the right thing...

UPDATE: Still misleading Ohio on the homepage though...

ORPers Double Down on BFA Kerfuffle

Ohio Republican Party Political Director Jonathan Gormley on Twitter:
Buckeye Firearms reaffirms today its dual endorsement of conservative Dave Yost’s candidacy for Auditor, calling him a friend.
Which was picked up two minutes later by ORP Victory Director Michael Bir here.

Except, that's not the story at all...

As we all know, the Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA) story of the day is how ORP Chairman Kevin DeWine has failed to respond to the request of the BFA to clarify their original press release that it was a dual endorsement with Seth Morgan.

This kind of underhanded political Bee-Ess is what is ticking people off and these arrogant hacks continue to use unethical tactics...

Not One Red Cent to the ORP? It just might be time for that...

Rep. Schmidt Receives a Threatening Phone Call on Healthcare

When they aren't shooting up Rep. Eric Cantor's office, apparently angry liberals like to call up Rep. Jean Schmidt and leave obnoxious, obscene, and threatening voicemails.

Free website -

More at The Hill, where we learn that the Capitol Police are now investigating.

Does David "The Angry Armenian" Krikorian have an alibi? Just kidding...

Buckeye Firearms Association Fires Back at ORP on Endorsement Kerfuffle

The Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA) has asked the Ohio Republican Party (ORP) to issue a correction to a press release published on the party's website March 24.The release, entitled "Yost Endorsed by Buckeye Firearms for Auditor of State", failed to report that Yost and his primary opponent Rep. Seth Morgan, both received endorsements."In failing to make that important distinction, it appears the Ohio Republican Party hopes to mislead voters into thinking our political action committee issued a singular endorsement to Yost," said Jim Irvine, BFA Chairman. "Buckeye Firearms Association will not 'choose between friends' in this primary race, and has issued a dual endorsement of Seth Morgan and Dave Yost. It is frustrating that Republican voters, which were until recently looking forward the prospect of voting for pro-gun candidates in many statewide races, are now facing a situation where one race (for attorney general) is left without a strong candidate on our issue, while in the auditor's race, one staunch friend will surely lose."ORP Chairman Kevin DeWine has not responded to BFA's request for a correction in a timely manner. As such, it became necessary to issue a public statement denouncing the misleading press release.
As I have been saying all along this distortion by the ORP is highly misleading (at best) and unethical (at worst).

Re: ORP vs Morgan Supporters

I also received the email that touched off posts at Right Ohio and BizzyBlog claiming that legislators who have endorsed Seth Morgan for Auditor are being denied use of the Ohio Republican Party's (ORP) bulk mailing permit. In checking in with various sources, I had heard from several folks that legislators were confirming this story to them so I decided to check in with ORP Executive Director, Jason Mauk, who said this in reply:
By law, candidates are not entitled to "use" the party's mail permit. The party may choose to send mail on behalf of a candidate, as we do many times in every election. In fact, I'm looking at an ORP mail piece for Rep. Cliff Hite right now, and we have one in the works for Rep. Barbara Sears. Both are listed on Rep. Morgan's website as endorsees. You need better sources.
I was later told that this was "being driven" by State Rep. Ron Maag, who according to the ORP, "hasn't once asked the chairman or anyone in our shop for support." I don't have close contacts with Maag, so I am hoping that he or someone on his team will see this and send me an email to confirm or to comment.


UPDATE: This just in from ORP...
Chairman DeWine spoke with Ron [Maag] this afternoon, and they had a great conversation about how the party can help his primary campaign. He agreed to dispel this endorsement rumor.

Ohio Senators Ask Ohio AG to Join Lawsuit

COLUMBUS—State Senator Gary Cates (R-Butler County) today circulated a letter signed by 20 of his fellow Senators that urges Attorney General Richard Cordray to join 14 other state attorneys general to challenge the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

“Sunday was a sad day for our nation. We witnessed a majority of our elected representatives in the U.S. Congress completely dismiss the will of the American people who elected them and throw states’ rights out the window,” Senator Cates said. “It is my hope that our Attorney General will stand with us to oppose costly federal mandates and preserve Ohioans’ right to choose how they receive health care services.”

In addition to Senator Cates, the letter, delivered to Attorney General Cordray today was signed by Senate President Bill Harris, President Pro Tempore Tom Niehaus, Majority Floor Leader Keith Faber, Majority Whip Steve Buehrer, Senator Mark Wagoner, Senator David Goodman, Senator Jon Husted, Senator Shannon Jones, Senator Bill Seitz, Senator Chris Widener, Senator Jim Hughes, Senator John Carey, Senator Tim Grendell, Senator Jimmy Stewart, Senator Bob Gibbs, Senator Tom Patton, Senator Karen Gillmor, Senator Kevin Coughlin, Senator Kirk Schuring and Senator Tim Schaffer.
Cordray Letter

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

About That Buckeye Firearms Endorsement

If my Facebook friends got the impression that I was smelling something fishy about all the hubbub generated by the Ohio Republican Party (ORP) and the Dave Yost campaign regarding the endorsement by the Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA), they would be correctly reading between the lines.

There was a flurry of Twitter messages from all the usual suspects touting an endorsement by the BFA for Yost, but I smelled a rat. As usual, our friends at the Ohio Republican Party and the Yost campaign (but I repeat myself) are only telling HALF THE STORY.

The Buckeye Firearms Association has endorsed BOTH candidates and rating BOTH an "A". Of course, no mention of that in the ORP...very underhanded and sneaky if you ask me.

As Paul Harvey might say... So now you know...the rest...of the story.

EXIT QUESTION: Just how hard did Dave Yost work for THIS endorsement and does he still think that endorsements don't matter?

INSTA-UPDATE: I have some audio of a Dave Yost performance that I have been told will really tick me off... I haven't listened to it yet, but based on what I have heard I can safely tell Dave Yost that his nanny state views will be exposed.

Huber Heights, Ohio - The Buckeye Firearm Association endorsed Seth Morgan, CPA for Auditor of State on Wednesday, March 24. The association endorsed both Seth Morgan, CPA and Delaware County Prosecutor Dave Yost for Auditor of State.

"Seth Morgan is a strong defender of your right to bear arms. As a State Representative, Seth introduced a bill to make guns made and sold in Ohio free of federal firearms regulations. There is no doubt that Seth Morgan understands our second amendment rights," said Jim Irvine, President of Buckeye Firearms Association.

Seth Morgan, CPA is a member of the National Rifle Association, is a concealed carry permit holder, and owns several guns.

"I'm a very proud gun owner and gun rights advocate. This endorsement is a badge of honor for me," said Seth Morgan, CPA. "I believe deeply in second amendment rights, have a record of defending and practicing them, and support this great organization."

Additionally, Seth introduced House Bill 315, which seeks to "provide that ammunition, firearms, and firearm accessories that are manufactured and remain in Ohio are not subject to federal laws and regulations derived under Congress' authority to regulate interstate commerce and to require the words "Made in Ohio" be stamped on a central metallic part of any firearm manufactured and sold in Ohio. Also, Seth Morgan, CPA is a co-sponsor of HB129, an "Alaska-style" concealed carry reform bill.
Note to ORP and Yost: This is how you do an announcement of a dual actually admit what it is...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ohio Round-Up: Reaction to Health Care Law

I have a whole bunch of quotes, stats, ballot initiates, and potential state laws to get out of my inbox and on to the site, so let's get this round-up started...

Republican Leader, my Congressman and a Great American -- John Boehner:
“This is a somber day for the American people. By signing this bill, President Obama is abandoning our founding principle that government governs best when it governs closest to the people. Americans have never felt more disconnected from their government than they do today.

“Never before has such a monumental change to our government been carried out without the support of both parties. This debate has fostered unprecedented division at a time when this nation needs to come together and address the serious challenges we face.

“The devastating consequences of this legislation will be felt in broken promises, higher costs, lost jobs and fewer freedoms. Republicans will continue to stand on principle, hold President Obama accountable for his promises, and fight to repeal this government takeover of health care so we can start over on common-sense reforms that lower costs for families and small businesses.”

Rep. Bob Latta (R, OH-05):
“On Sunday, March 21, Congress held a career-defining vote on the issue of government funding of abortion and for the pro-life community. I voted against H.R. 3590, the Senate-passed health care bill, because it contains several provisions that will facilitate the federal funding of abortions. Furthermore, the bill does not provide for the conscience protection for health care workers.

Many lawmakers who consider themselves ‘pro-life’ voted in favor of this legislation after a promise from President Barack Obama to sign an Executive Order (EO) to correct the problem of abortion funding in the bill. However, President Obama is the most pro-abortion chief executive to ever reside in the White House and a piece of paper signed with his name will do nothing to make this health care legislation acceptable to protect the unborn.

An EO cannot change federal statute, which is what H.R. 3590 which was signed into law today. Even Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), a pro-abortion member of the House Democrat Leadership, admitted during an interview with Fox News on Sunday that ‘an executive order cannot change the law.’ Furthermore, an EO can be retracted just as easily – it does not have the full force of the law. The American public, including my constituents, have overwhelmingly indicated that they do not want the government to fund abortions, but that is exactly what this legislation will do.”
Ohio House Republicans (Barb Sears and Ron Maag):
“The people of Ohio and our nation deserve better than this partisan bill that will raise taxes and cause our deficit to skyrocket, leaving our children to foot the bill,” Maag said. “Everyone can agree that the health care system should be improved, but this format is neither the hope nor the change the hardworking families of this state wanted.”

House Joint Resolution 3, commonly known as the Ohio Health Care Freedom Act, would propose an amendment to Ohio’s Constitution to prohibit any Ohio law or rule from forcing any person, employer or health care provider to participate in a health care system. Had the House majority moved forward with this initiative back in August, the measure would have appeared as a ballot issue in February 2010.

“I’m disappointed that in the face of mounting government spending and control, Ohio’s Democrats refused to even allow the Ohio Health Care Freedom Act to be placed on the ballot for the people to decide,” Sears added. “In Columbus and in Washington, D.C. alike, elected officials are supposed to uphold the will of the people, not manipulate democracy and circumvent public input. I respectfully reiterate our request for HJR 3 to have more hearings and encourage the House majority to place the measure before the full House for a vote.”

According to a recent Quinnipiac Poll, Ohioans oppose Congress’s health care overhaul 56 to 33 percent. The bill is projected to cost an average of nearly $95 billion annually over the next decade with costs accelerating over time. In 2018, national health care expenditures are projected to exceed $4.5 trillion as per the Congressional Budget Office and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Ohio Senate Republicans (Shannon Jones and Tim Grendell):
Columbus – Following passage of federal healthcare legislation that will have a tremendous impact on the state budget and Ohio taxpayers, State Senators Shannon Jones (R-Springboro) and Tim Grendell (R-Chesterland) will unveil legislation designed to protect Ohioans from federal mandates regarding their health care.
US Senate Candidate Rob Portman:
"Our health care system is broken but the partisan bill the U.S. House of Representatives narrowly passed last night is the wrong fix. We need real reform that will cut rising costs and make sure that every American has access to quality care. Unfortunately, the bill going to the President for signature into law doesn't do that. It is a budget buster we can't afford and a big government approach that will increase premiums, burdensome government regulations and taxes that will make it even harder for small businesses to create the new jobs we so badly need in Ohio. There was a better way, by finding common ground on sensible reforms to reduce costs and expand access. Regrettably, Washington Democrats ignored the will of the American people to enact a bill filled with backroom deals and special-interest payoffs."
OH-18 Congressional Candidate Bob Gibbs:
“Once again the US Congress went wildly out of control with their attempt to resolve a challenge facing this nation. Just like when Congress overreacted to rising unemployment rates by passing the so-called “stimulus” bill which added no new jobs, Congress passed a bad bill tonight that doesn’t fix our health care system, and adds crippling taxes to families and businesses.

This bill immediately raises taxes, cuts Medicare, and hurts our seniors. The notion that this bill creates jobs or decreases the deficit is simply absurd. Ohio jobs will leave our area now that added burdens, such as extra taxes and penalties on employers, have become a part of their reality. Perhaps most disappointing was seeing the principled stand of some members, who refused to vote for this bill if it included public funding of abortion, end with an agreement to vote for it with only the assurance of an unsustainable compromise that doesn’t address the pro-abortion language of the bill.

Two months after Scott Brown was elected trying to stop this from happening, Congress passed a bill that brought out their very worst with impossible to justify deals like the “Cornhusker Kickback.” It’s clear that Nancy Pelosi didn’t hear the message that came from the election results in Massachusetts, and clear that Congress had no intention of listening to the American people, who clearly wanted Congress to go back to the drawing board and put forth a bill that we could be proud of.

Zack Space cast a critical vote early on to set us on this path. His retreat from his earlier vote does not absolve him from the blame for what will now happen to our economy and to already out of control federal spending. Voters will hold Zack Space accountable for setting this in motion. I will make certain of it.”
Ohio Liberty Council:
“The Ohio Liberty Council seeks to preserve the freedom of Ohioans to choose their health care and health care coverage,” said Ohio Liberty Council President Chris Littleton. “With the passage of untenable national mandates on health insurance, the federal government is trampling on the direct constitutional authority and responsibility of state legislatures. This constitutional amendment will do what our leaders in the Statehouse and Congress have failed to do – protect Ohioans from federal mandates on personal behavior.”

“The health care reform bill’s requirement to maintain minimum essential coverage essentially asserts that if you are alive, you must buy health insurance that is acceptable to the federal government. However, the mere act of being alive is not commerce that can be regulated by the federal government,” said 1851 Center Executive Director Maurice Thompson. “Accordingly, the legislation is constitutionally tenuous, and will take a backseat to our constitutional amendment, which upon enactment, will be a fundamental right amongst all Ohioans.”
Check out the proposed amendment here (PDF).

UPDATE: Rep. Mike Turner (R, OH-03)

RELEASE: Dave Yost Insults County Parties and Grassroots

Huber Heights, Ohio - Dave Yost has insulted both the local county Republican parties and grassroots organizations after receiving devastating defeats in several key county endorsements.

In the Columbus Dispatch today, March 22, Delaware County Prosecutor Dave Yost, referring to the number of endorsements that Seth Morgan has received, said:
"I would not say that we are fighting hard for these," he said. "I think it's kind of inside baseball. I don't know too many voters who ask who the party endorsement was."

"Dave's proudest accomplishment is to be endorsed by the Ohio Republican State Central Committee that consists of only 66 people. Seth was not even invited to speak or participate in that state central committee endorsement process." said Rob Scott, Friends of Seth Morgan Communications Director.
"Seth Morgan has been endorsed by County parties consisting of thousands of Republicans exclaiming they want him as their next auditor. These are the same people and organizations that are the grassroots backbone of Ohio. Obviously, their input does not matter to Dave Yost," Scott said.

Yost Attacks Morgan...and Mandel...and Husted...and Kasich...and Small Towns...and Ward Councilmen

Dave Yost’s new attack is that Seth Morgan has never been an Executive Office holder…but neither has Husted, Mandel, or Kasich.  Why is Dave Yost attacking the bulk of our ticket?

In a letter sent to Lake County GOP Central Committee Members, Dave Yost wrote this:
My opponent has never served in an executive branch office like Auditor of State, and little more than a year ago was a ward councilman in a small city outside of Dayton.  As you consider our credentials, ask yourself which of us is better-equipped to lead an executive office of more than 830 people scattered across Ohio in many offices.
Dave is racking up an impressive number of insults here...  Small town?   Ward councilman?  Don't bother, you are nobody.

I never saw this arrogance when Dave was taking on Mike DeWine.

It is no wonder that the Lake County GOP endorsed Seth Morgan...

Rush on Bad Strategery of "Let's Support RINOs"

Again, don't take my word for it, here is Rush Limbaugh opening up yesterday's radio show:
Today, as we start the radio program, America is hanging by a thread. So we have to see what we can do with a thread. At the end of the day, our freedom has been assaulted. This is the kind of change that people did not think they were going to get when they voted for Barack Obama. Freedom must win the day. . . . They won because they held Congress and the presidency, and therein lies the lesson: We need to defeat these bastards. We need to wipe them out. We need to chase them out of town. But we need to do more than that. We need to elect conservatives. If there are Republican primaries, elect conservatives and then defeat the Democrats -- every last one of them[.]
Emphasis added.

Note that Rush didn't say that we need to elect "moderates" or "centrists" or "RINOs"; we need to elect CONSERVATIVES.

We need to offer the American people a clear choice, not Democrat-lite.

Morgan Gets Lake County GOP Endorsement


Huber Heights, Ohio - Lake County Republican Party endorsed Seth Morgan, CPA for Auditor of State on Monday, March 22.

The Lake County endorsement comes after Seth Morgan, CPA was unamiously endorsed by Summit County Republican Party and the Miami County Republican Party Convention over the weekend. The unofficial Troy Daily News results from the Convention is 256 for Seth Morgan and 112 for Dave Yost.

"The momentum and groundswell of support for Seth Morgan is astounding," said Rob Scott, Friends of Seth Morgan Communications Director. "The people of Ohio have overwhelmingly declared their candidate for Auditor of State is Seth Morgan because he is the most qualified for Auditor from either party."

Both Seth Morgan, CPA and Delaware County Prosecutor Dave Yost were in attendance for the Lake County GOP endorsement.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Why "Let's Support the RINOs" is Bad Strategery

Don't take my word for it, here's NRO's Jim Geraghty in today's "Morning Jolt" e-newsletter:
Folks, we did everything right: The grassroots rallies, the big crowds at the town halls, the wins in New Jersey and Virginia and Massachusetts, the multiple rallies on the Hill, the widespread bright spotlight on this legislative monstrosity's flaws, the phone calls, the e-mails, the ads, the polls in key districts. We turned the vote to create Obamacare into political suicide, not realizing how many members of the House the Democrats were willing to sacrifice to achieve their goal.

But the health-care bill passed, with 219 Democratic votes.
Those 34 Democrats who voted no shouldn't rest easy, since we're coming for them, too -- one of the key lessons of this is that Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, Mike Castle, and Mark Kirk will come through for you when Bart Gordon won't.
You know how much we rail against RINOs? Take a look at all of those so-called pro-life, or conservative, or centrist Democrats. Not every last one of them, but a heck of a lot of them sold out: John Boccieri, Charlie Wilson, and Steve Driehaus of Ohio. Joe Donnelly and Brad Ellsworth of Indiana. Bart Stupak [] and Dale Kildee of Michigan. Suzanne Kosmas and Allen Boyd of Florida. Betsy Markey of Colorado. Tom Perriello of Virginia. Earl Pomeroy of North Dakota, Dina Titus of Nevada. All of them touting how centrist they are, or how they have conservative values, or how, no matter how much they march in lockstep with Nancy Pelosi on other issues, they have deep and abiding respect for the unborn.
Emphasis added.  
Bottom line: You just can't trust a "centrist" or a "moderate" to do the right thing when the chips are down and the big deals are on the table.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Morgan Gets Summit and Miami County Endorsements

Huber Heights, Ohio - Auditor of State candidate Seth Morgan, CPA was endorsed by the Miami County Republican Party Convention on Sunday and unanimously endorsed by the Summit County Republican Party on Saturday.

"These endorsements show the momentum and breadth of support that Seth Morgan has and why he is best suited to be Ohio's next auditor," said Rob Scott, Friends of Seth Morgan Communications Director. "The people have chosen their candidate and its Seth Morgan."

The Miami County Republican Party Convention is the only county which holds a convention which is similiar to the national political party conventions. The members and delegates at the convention overwhelmingly endorsed Seth Morgan for Auditor of State. Both Seth Morgan, CPA and Delaware Prosecutor Dave Yost were in attendance at the convention.

Seth Morgan, CPA has received the Brown, Cuyahoga, Greene, Madison, Miami, Scioto, and Summit County Republican Party endorsements. Morgan is the only statewide candidate endorsed by the Ohio Tea Party PAC, which represents most of the Tea Party, 912, and Liberty groups organizations in Ohio. Additionally, he is endorsed by Citizens for Community Values Action PAC, Family First PAC, several social conservatives and tea party leaders.

Usual Suspects' Grand Strategery: "Support RINOs"

The vote on socialized healthcare hasn't even been taken yet and the usual suspects here in Ohio are already issuing their grand strategery for "taking back" the House and it has a familiar ring to it: "Support RINOs"

On last night's show, Mark pointed out that we have a RINO to thanks for the socialized healthcare charade we are currently seeing in Dee Cee today.  That's right, it was RINO Olympia Snow from Maine who from her perch in the United States senate heard the "call of history" and went along with this nonsense.

We should never trust another RINO again.

I find it interesting that all the "insider" and Columbus-based bloggers tend to always come back to the "Support RINOs" strategery as their answer for everything.  It is a strategery that hasn't worked, to my knowledge, in my lifetime.  But all those folks who claim to be the smartest people in the room are quick to go this route.

How about this strategery, guys?  Let's support the most conservative Republicans we can get elected and let the RINOs do their part for conservatives for a change.  How about that?  I love how these folks always go to the DeWine vs. Brown US Senate race and say, "You filthy conservatives left Mikey out to dry." while totally ignoring the FACT that FAR MORE RINOs let Ken Blackwell twist in the wind.  So spare me your righteous outrage and face the reality that we need to start working together.

Bottom Line: When RINOs show up and do what's right for conservatives, then we can talk.  Until then, I got better things to rallying the grassroots people that are going to show up on election day and throw these bums out of office.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Brown County "I Don't Give a F*** Edition Update and Correction

OK, first the correction. In my previous coverage of the incidents involving Clerk of Courts Tina Meranda and Judge Scott Gusweiler, I alluded to County Prosecutor Jessica Little not coming to any Republican Committee meetings that I was aware of. I can see where that may be considered a slam and at the recent BC Lincoln Day dinner I received some clarification after a cordial conversation with the prosecutor. First, her precinct which she represented as a member of central committee was absorbed by another precinct. Also, she is not the selected member at large for the CC or the club. Even though she was invited to go ahead and come to meetings, according to the bylaws this would have been a problem. Also, she has a big job in front of her, as the democrat who she replaced left a huge backlog and all sorts of issues. And finally, she has a young family and should not be castigated for going to their events. Prosecutor Little so far has done a good job and I don't want to besmirch the job she is doing. So, any negative connotations on my part were in error.

Now, to the news...

Meranda Hires Blowhard Attention Whore to Sue Gusweiler

OK, now, thanks to the egos involved, Brown County looks like a hick joke....AGAIN. Tina Meranda, rather than seeking to, you know, deal with things in house, has hired ridiculous pathetic ambulance chaser Eric Deters (of 700WLW radio shame)to sue Judge Gusweiler. From the Brown County Press:
Brown County Clerk of Courts Tina Meranda has retained an attorney who is promising to "drop a sledgehammer" on Common Pleas Court Judge Scott Gusweiler.

In a telephone interview, Eric Deters said that he was preparing to file a lawsuit against Gusweiler in the coming days seeking "monetary and injunctive relief" concerning a dispute over office keys between the two elected officials.

Deters said the lawsuit will claim that Gusweiler is interfering with Meranda's public duties as an elected official.

He added that he is still gathering information and will decide next week whether to bring the suit in federal or state court.

Rather than letting the 12th district court of appeals decide this and just settle the legalities of the case, Clerk Meranda decided to go for the gusto and launch a scorched earth frivolous money grabbing lawsuit with an attention seeking prostitute of a lawyer named Eric Deters. Deters makes Scott Croswell seem like a shrinking violet with his overactive ego and self-love. "The Bulldog" is nothing more than a pathetic bully, as I understand it, having talked to people who have had interactions with him on fields of recreation as well as business. Petulant child, someone else has said.

And Meranda, who has waged a valiant fight against cancer, sinks so low as to play the kid sympathy card in this whole thing:
Meranda said she turned over the keys "so I wouldn't go to jail and have my two little boys be without their mom for the weekend."

GIVE....ME....A....BREAK....Is Tina a single mom? Nope. Where is Dad then? I mean, if she has to spend a few hours in jail, are the kids going to be running rampant in southern Brown County? I think her husband could handle a night alone with the kiddies.

Look, the merits of the idea of the judge asking for and demanding the keys are one thing. However, there are better ways to settle this dispute than going for a cutthorat approach where you hire one of the slimiest self promoting hacks in the legal profession to squeeze money off of Gusweiler and most likely the county as well....

And where does this leave Prosecutor Little? Does she represent Gusweiler? Does the county pay for Gusweiler's legal bills? Meranda's?

Seems kind of sad to drag the county government and justice system of Brown County through the mud for the sake of a grudge or hurt feelings, but then again, that seems to have been the standard M.O. of some.

No one comes out of this unscathed, least of all the innocent people of Brown County. The only one who comes out ahead is Deters, who gave his own publicity shot to the Press so they could get his best side. Pathetic.

This was a hot topic by some of the non-Brown Countians at Lincoln Day. I talked to Judge Gusweiler and he told me he wouldn't comment, taking the moral high ground and talking about how sad it was that someone had to go running to the press to create an issue. I was asked what was up, even by some high ranking judicial officials, and I simply don't know.

The question remains: why did Gusweiler ask for the keys? Was it because he is seeking to expand power, or is it because the Clerk of Courts is not doing her job, or is it because he wants to know what is going on, or is it something else entirely?

Turning this into the latest Eric Deters "HEY LOOK AT ME, I'M AN UGLY BALD HEADED AMBULANCE CHASER WHO LOVES TO BANKRUPT COMPANIES AND GOVERNMENTS" reality show is not going to get any answers.

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    Friday, March 19, 2010

    Christopher Seeks Dismissal of Ballot Case


    Reader's Digest version: Since the Republican-dominated, tied-to the Dewine Political Family, Ohio Supreme Court wouldn't be bother ed to hear the case on an expedited schedule, and couldn't be bothered to order Christopher on to the ballot in lieu of the conclusion of the case, Steven Christopher really did the conservative thing and stopped the proceedings.

    End result: We're so screwed...

    Thursday, March 18, 2010

    Beck To Governor: Ohio Hemorrhages More Jobs Under Your Watch

    Columbus—State Representative Peter Beck (R-Mason) today delivered a letter to Governor Strickland regarding his deep concern over the loss of 250 local jobs.

    “Ohio is hemorrhaging jobs due to our state’s uncompetitive business climate,” Beck said. “Ohioans need jobs, and lawmakers should encourage the businesses that can provide those vital jobs. It is long overdue that we make Ohio economically competitive again.”

    In the letter, Beck outlined growing concerns about failing economic policies and their consequences on the quality of life in Ohio. He points to the closure of nearly 30 major companies in the past two years, including the most recent closure announcement from Mason’s pharmaceutical company, Warner Chilcott.

    “Governor, what have you done to ensure these positions were fought for?” Beck asked in the letter. “Unemployment in Warren County is currently at 10.5 percent, and the closure of Warner Chilcott delivers a severe blow to the families of Mason and Southwest Ohio. This company has been an economic staple within our community and the loss of yet another corporation from Ohio’s borders raises serious concerns.”
    03 18 10 Beck to Governor on Warner Chilcott

    BUTLER COUNTY: Furmon vs. Dixon

    Let's get ready to RUMMMMMMMMMMMMMBLE!


    Note to both of these guys: We're STILL in a recession.

    Have we resolved all of our spending and budget issues?

    While I don't think we're in a position where we ought to be talking pay raises for anybody, I don't think we should be wasting money on studies on pay raises either...

    Nobody cares who can take a whiz longer, faster, or with more distance...we have serious problems and I'd like to think that our leaders are capable of behaving like adults and solve these issues without the rancor.

    Special Note to Commission Dixon: Furmon is've been there long enough to start accepting some responsibility too. You sound like Obama whining about how Bush screwed up everything. It's gotten real old...

    Democrats Find an Insurance Company They Like...

    From the Republican Policy Committee (Senate):
    This morning, deep in the bowels of the Capitol, Congressional Democrats are meeting with executives from one of the nation’s largest insurers: AARP. According to its own Form 990 filings with the IRS, the AARP has a wholly owned “AARP Insurance Plan” that gives to AARP “a portion of the total premiums collected” from the sale of Medigap, Medicare Advantage, and Medicare Part D plans. In 2008, according to AARP’s financial statements, those “royalty fees” totaled $414 million – pure profit to AARP’s bottom line, and a higher amount of net revenue than that generated by such large insurers as Cigna ($292 million profit) or Health Net ($95 million profit) during the same time period. Even as premiums continue to rise for seniors, AARP’s profits have skyrocketed in recent years, jumping 31 percent just from 2007 to 2008.

    It’s also worth highlighting how the AARP Insurance Plan treats AARP members – and how, in drafting health care legislation, Democrats have bent over backwards to help the AARP Insurance Plan continue to rake in profits:

  • AARP currently denies access to individuals with pre-existing conditions by imposing waiting periods on its Medigap plans – and the Democrat legislation would allow them to continue this practice, even as it prohibits insurance companies who sell to the under-65 population from the same type of behavior.

  • AARP-sold Medigap plans are not subject to the same restrictions applied to all other forms of insurance in the Democrat bill, which require at least 80 cents of every premium dollar to be spent on medical expenses.

  • AARP’s then Chief Executive Bill Novelli received more than $1,000,000 in total compensation from the organization in 2008 – more than 78 times the average annual Social Security benefit of $12,738 – yet the amendment supported by 56 Democratic senators to place a $500,000 cap on insurance executive salaries somehow exempted AARP from its provisions.

  • A backroom deal cut in Sen. Harry Reid’s office exempts AARP’s lucrative Medigap plans from the new tax on health insurers (Section 10905(d), Page 2395 of H.R. 3590 as passed the Senate) – and the cuts to Medicare Advantage plans included in the Senate bill will doubtless encourage millions more seniors to buy Medigap supplemental coverage, where AARP plans consume the largest market share.

  • While insurance companies have responded positively to Secretary Sebelius’ request for additional transparency in their pricing policies, AARP has publicly refused to disclose the exact amount of revenue it receives from the sale of its Medigap plans – even though the organization’s board Chair made a public pledge to Congress to do so. Perhaps not surprisingly, Democrats have yet to comment on AARP’s “stonewalling” tactics, as the ostensibly “non-profit” organization attempts to hide the exact amount by which its Medigap business will financially benefit if health “reform” is enacted.

  • Given these actions, it’s worth asking whose side Democrats are on: The side of seniors, or the side of an advocacy organization that makes money from them?

    Wednesday, March 17, 2010

    BUTLER COUNTY: They Said WHAT? Edition

    Two items for consideration...

  • Did a candidate actually tell another candidate that if a particular fundraiser wasn't cancelled that negative things about the candidate would start appearing in WMD?

  • Is a candidate actually using an internal office "mail service" for political purposes contrary to the purposes of the system?

  • The WMD Team is on it.....

    VIDEO: Mike Turner's "I'm Just a Bill"

    Ohio House Supports Telecommunications Reform Bill

    COLUMBUS—State Representative Combs (R-Hamilton) today announced the passage of House Bill 276 from the Ohio House of Representatives. This legislation revises the state policy regarding telecommunications service and repeals current law governing alternative regulation of telephone companies.

    House Bill 276 will create a more favorable environment for competition in telecommunications, while retaining consumer safeguards and lead toward competitive pricing. It will establish uniform regulations for telecommunication services and permit the industry to invest in Ohio’s infrastructure and technology, instead of overly burdensome regulatory compliance.

    “Today marks the first step in modernizing Ohio’s antiquated telecommunications laws,” said Combs. “This bill will be a much needed catalyst to help bring jobs and economic development to Ohio.”

    Since 2001, traditional landline telephone companies have lost 3 million customers due to increased competition from rapidly advancing technologies, including wireless and digital telephone service. More than 20 states have adopted telecom reform laws, which will spur investment in new technologies and create vital jobs.

    House Bill 276 is supported by the Ohio Chamber, National Federation of Independent Business, Ohio Telecommunications Association, AT&T, and Institute for Policy Innovation. Rep. Combs is a sitting member of the House Public Utilities Committee.

    VIDEO: Jones for State Senate

    Tuesday, March 16, 2010

    Mandel Calls on boyce to Suspend Accepting Contributions to Avoid "Pay-for-Play"

    LYNDHURST – Marine veteran and State Representative Josh Mandel (R-Lyndhurst) today called on Ohio Treasurer Kevin Boyce to nip a budding "pay-to-play" scandal in his office by refusing campaign contributions from the banking and finance industry, beginning today and until the Boyce-led State Board of Deposit decisions are made on April 29th, 2010.

    Today, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported that Boyce has delayed awarding the lucrative, biennial designation of depositories for public funds, until April 29th – suspiciously a week after Boyce will file his April 22nd campaign finance report.
    This decision flies in the face of Ohio law (O.R.C. 135.12) which requires by the third Monday in March (yesterday, March 15th), that the Boyce-led State Board of Deposit designate which banks will serve as depositories for the billions of dollars of state funds.
    Postponing the decision until late April not only disregards state law, but also affords Boyce another six weeks to raise money from banks that are competing for the multi-million dollar contracts.
    "Due to Treasurer Boyce’s pattern of unethical behavior, this delay just doesn't pass the smell test," said Mandel. "Either he wasn’t competent enough to get the job done by the same statutory deadline as past state treasurers, or he’s purposefully delayed action for political gain. Either way, it is yet another example of the pattern of irresponsibility that we've seen since Kevin Boyce's first day in office."
    In June 2009, a Dayton Daily News investigation uncovered that Boyce used almost $80,000 of treasury funds for campaign-type material while the state was facing a $3.2 billion budget deficit. That same story also revealed Boyce’s hiring of multiple relatives of Democratic operatives, including one whose previous experience to the Treasurer’s office was working at a zoo and water park. Then, in July 2009, the Dayton Daily News caught Boyce awarding a $160,000 per year banking services contract to a bank that hosted a $30,000+ fundraiser for him a week later. And most recently, Boyce has come under local and national fire for abusing Census dollars to promote himself.
    "One way Treasurer Boyce can show taxpayers that he’s serious about ending his pattern of unethical behavior is by refusing campaign contributions from the banking and finance industry until after the April 29th State Board of Deposit decisions are made," Mandel said. "We look forward to seeing Treasurer Boyce’s action on this matter and hope that he makes the right decision."

    Saturday, March 13, 2010

    Programming Note: No TIB All Stars Show Tonight

    This is just a reminder to the regulars that there will be no TIB All Stars Show on the TIB Radio Network tonight as Mark and I will be attending the Brown County GOP Lincoln Day Dinner with keynote speaker John Kasich.

    Re-runs of last week's show with guest Sandra O'Brien, candidate for Ohio Secretary of State, is still running on TIB Radio.

    Friday, March 12, 2010

    Ryan Bailey Announces Candidacy for Ohio House of Representatives

    (Jefferson)- Ryan Bailey announced his candidacy for Ohio’s 99th House District today, promising to work to restore a positive momentum for Ashtabula County. Bailey, a Republican, is a veteran of Operation: Enduring Freedom. He currently serves in Ohio’s 1-145th Armor Regiment.

    “Ashtabula County has been run into the ground by a predominantly one-party system. Their long record of failed schemes, along with their fast and loose attitude with our tax dollars have crippled the entire region.” Bailey said.

    Bailey enlisted at the age of seventeen after his cousin was killed aboard Flight 93 on September 11th. He has served in the United States Army for six years, including one deployment in support of the Global War on Terror. Bailey served in various roles, including vehicle commander and acting communications NCO.

    “My country, my family and my hometown have given me all I have, they’ve made me who I am today. I’m running because I’m tired of watching my friends and neighbors being neglected and misled by their elected leadership. I’m tired of watching our young people leave to find other jobs. But most of all I’m tired of standing by and letting it happen, I can’t anymore. This year we’re going to stop the madness.”

    Bailey’s parents, Troy and Christine Bailey, are lifelong residents of Ashtabula County. Ryan is currently a junior at Kent State University pursuing a degree in Political Science.


    Thursday, March 11, 2010

    Madison County GOP Unanimously Endorses Morgan for Auditor

    It occurs to me that it is becoming more and more likely that the establishment could be doing serious damage to our nominee for the general election...of course, that won't stop them from fighting either and I wouldn't have it any other way.  I just wish that the usual suspects would realize that they aren't the only game in town and that the differences between us are based on what we think is right for our state and our party.

    Anyway, congrats to Team Morgan for another victory!

    Wednesday, March 10, 2010

    US House Republicans on Earmark Ban

    WASHINGTON, DC – The following joint statement was issued today by House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH), Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA), Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence (R-IN), Policy Committee Chairman Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI), Conference Vice-Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Conference Secretary John Carter (R-TX), National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-TX), Rules Committee Ranking Republican David Dreier (R-CA), Chief Deputy Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), and Republican Leadership Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR):
                 “For millions of Americans, the earmark process in Congress has become a symbol of a broken Washington.  We believe the time has come for House Republicans to adopt an immediate, unilateral moratorium on all earmarks, including tax and tariff-related earmarks, and we will support changing the official rules of the House Republican Conference to incorporate such a moratorium when a special conference meeting on the matter takes place Thursday.  When Republicans take back the House, we will rein in out-of-control federal spending and bring fundamental change to the process by which Congress spends American taxpayers’ money.”

    Tea Party Ought Not Be Impressed with Blackwell Endorsement of Yost

    Twitter is all abuzz with the usual suspects practically wetting themselves over the fact that Dave Yost got an endorsement today.  I love how people who have no idea what the Tea Party is about or even care if the Tea Party's values are advanced or not are trying to play the endorsement of Ken Blackwell as some sort of tea party slap in the face to Seth Morgan.

    I can't (and wouldn't even if I could) speak for the Tea Party leaders or the movement, but I am not impressed with Ken Blackwell's endorsement.

    Ken Blackwell garnered 37% of the vote last time he was on the ballot.  The Tea Party types decided it wasn't worth going to the polls since Ken got their vote in the primary pushing TEL but pulled a Yost Maneuver and got cozy with the establishment for the general.

    Ken Blackwell was so cool as a governor candidate, that the GOP-dominated legislature tried to circumvent Blackwell with something called LegisTEL and all these same people claiming that this is some big deal were trying to sell us the goods that LegisTEL was the same thing as actual TEL.

    I know a real conservative when I see one.  Ken Blackwell talked a good talk, but when it came time to walk the walk, we got LegisTEL.  LegisTEL, by the way, was supposed to curb spending and legislators weren't supposed to ignore it like they do, but this is the Blackwell Legacy.  How's spending in Ohio looking today?

    Sorry, kids, I ain't impressed.  And Tea Party members shouldn't be either.

    GUEST COLUMN: "Pricey Mandates Put Schools at Risk" by St. Rep. John Adams

    Pricey Mandates Put Schools at Risk
    By State Rep. John Adams

    It’s no secret that with the passage of Ohio’s fundamentally unbalanced budget, everyone in the state is struggling—the elderly and disabled, small business owners, and hardworking families like yours and mine. Now, because of costly mandates created by Governor Strickland and House Democrats, schools and our children’s future are on the chopping block.
    After suffering $32 million in state budget cuts, many of Ohio’s 612 school districts struggled to make ends meet by reducing services or cutting extracurricular programs. Additionally, in the wake of these devastating funding cuts, schools will be sucker-punched with an unfunded all-day kindergarten mandate in the 2010-2011 school year.
    Ohio Democrats included this $127 million across-the-board mandate into the budget to modernize Ohio’s education system. Aside from the 123 disadvantaged districts that receive state grants for all-day kindergarten, this unfunded mandate will be difficult to implement without making cuts elsewhere, like in transportation or after-school programs.
    The lawmakers who supported putting this burden on struggling districts have clearly fallen out of touch with their constituents back home. If they demand universal all-day kindergarten in Ohio, they need to provide the funding to make it possible, especially with so many districts having already taken huge hits.
    As a father of seven children, keeping Ohio’s school system strong and competitive is one of my top priorities in Columbus. I know the importance of a modernized education system to a child’s development and to the overall success of the state; however, I also know that lawmakers should be sensitive to the financial limitations of some districts that are already barely staying afloat.
    For this reason, I cosponsored a bill that would offer school districts an exemption from any unfunded mandates that were included in the biennial budget, including all-day kindergarten. When enacted, House Bill 366 will give local boards of education the ability to opt out of the mandate if they do not currently have the means to support it. I hope that in the next few months, those who insisted on including unfunded school mandates will also allow some districts the freedom to decide if the mandates are achievable.
    House Bill 366 is a vital step toward preserving the integrity of our schools. I hope that House Democrats will give it fair consideration to ensure that school programs are not cut just to afford the pricey law. This one-size-fits-all mandate is counterproductive to the best interests of our schools, and we need to restore local control over this important issue.

    The Time is Now!

    Watching the news media circle the so call 'precinct project' like swirling buzzards it is always amusing to see how they spin it. Of course, these fights and wars are nothing new. Those old warriors like me have seen it before and we will see it again.

    Just exactly what the so called tea party folks are up to is mystifying to me. Rudderless and lacking leadership they aimlessly aim their fiery darts at us who serve on our Central Committees (it's all volunteer, their isn't any money involved).

    Now we see an unprecedented number of people for these seats and the assumption is that the Tea Party is infiltrating our ranks and looking to boot us all to the curb. I haven't quite started shaking in my boots, of course I am one of the lucky, fortunate ones who is unopposed. There are 93 seats on the Republican side that are.

    Some of the ones being run against have nothing to do with the Tea Party but with a future race that is not even on my radar screen. Let me say this for now, those of you who have taken out petitions against some of our older members, look out for you have a fight coming your way. I can't tell you how many people have contacted me wanting to help with this and they are all welcome.

    Will we take this fight lying down. Hardly! I will be posting more information as it develops but suffice it to say, some of us are really fired up!

    Yost Just Missed Knox County GOP Endorsement

    With the rules requiring 23 votes to secure the endorsement, Prosecutor, not a Politician Auditor Dave Yost came up one vote short: 22-11-1.  That one abstain cost him.

    Also interesting is that Knox County GOP endorsed Jon Husted for Secretary of State.

    Tuesday, March 09, 2010

    Scioto County GOP Endorses Morgan for Auditor

    These endorsements are still racking up...

    Unfortunately, they still don't mean a whole lot.

    But they sure do feel good...

    Ken Blackwell: ObamaCare is "Nanny State on Steroids"

    Ken Blackwell is scared for the Obama children. What the HHS will think of the President, since he is a smoker. The nanny state is coming if this passes, and the feds are coming to tell you how to live. Don't think so? Check out what Ken has to say in the American Thinker( ):
    It's all supposed to be voluntary, those "home visits" that are tucked into the mammoth Obamacare bill. If you have a strong stomach, and a stronger bottom, you can find home visitation on pages 568-595. That's Section 2951 of H.R. 3590, the Senate bill that Harry Reid brought down the chimney on Christmas Eve.

    All voluntary, they say, but once you "volunteer" to have the oh-so-helpful folks from Social Services come in to help with your newborns, or with a number of other specified issues, will you ever be able to get rid of them?

    The bill provides for federal funding and supervision for this vast expansion of government intrusion into family life. This is the Nanny State on steroids.

    Is your family being "targeted" for such home visitations? Let's see if you fit into one of these very broad categories:

    •Families where Mom is not yet 21. (No mention here whether she is married or not.)
    •Families where someone is a tobacco user. (Does this include the White House? Watch out, Sasha and Malia! Does Grandpa, whom you love and have taken in, enjoy his after-dinner pipe?)
    •Families where children have low student achievement, developmental delays, or disabilities.

    As if that list were not wide-ranging enough, here's the net that can encompass tens of millions:

    •Families with individuals who are serving or formerly served in the armed forces, including such families that have members of the armed forces who have had multiple deployments outside the United States. [Emphasis added.]

    So while Johnny gets his gun, the government steps in to "help" his family at home. Ronald Reagan used to say the most frightening words in the English language were these: I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.

    Who will sit atop the federal pyramid that runs this vast new invasion of family privacy? Why, it will be Sec. of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, of course. She was the most pro-abortion governor in American history when President Obama tapped her for his cabinet.

    Do you spank your children? You should know that HHS bureaucrats think you are an abuser.

    Do you support the Second Amendment? How would you like HHS bureaucrats asking your children if you maintain firearms in the home for family protection?

    Do you home-school your kids? Take care. Members of Congress who have tried to abolish home-schooling are big backers of this health care bill. Do you wonder why?

    There are abundant reasons to oppose this health care bill. Conservative leader Gary Bauer cites the colorful words of Oklahoma Democratic Congressman Dan Boren. Mr. Boren is one of the bluest of Blue Dogs. He says: "They can break my arms. They can do whatever they want to. They'll never get my vote -- ever. They'll have to walk across my dead body if they want my vote on this issue." Boren spoke for many concerned Democrats when he said, "there is no chance I am voting for this bill because it raises taxes on businesses, creates job-killing mandates, grows the size of government, and cuts services to seniors."

    And what about this BIZARRO analogy:
    the White House is pulling out all the stops. One of their senior advisers told CNN's Gloria Borger what President Obama's people are telling wavering Democrats on Capitol Hill:

    BORGER: Right. This isn't going to be subtle at all today. I think this is it. I was speaking with one senior White House adviser just before I came on the air, and he said, think of it this way. This is the last helicopter out of Saigon, OK?

    Could anything be more bizarre? A senior member of the administration is comparing the president's signature measure in Congress to the forced evacuation of the U.S. Embassy in South Vietnam in 1975.

    I don't want Kathleen Sebelius deciding whether I have to put down Grandma or whether I can eat a twinkie in front of my neighbors. And neither should you. No on Obamacare!

    Michael Moore is Right--We Should Follow Canada's Example..

    Yes, you read that right. I didn't mistype. Michael Moore, fat idiotarian fakeumentarian, is absolutely right. We need to follow Canada's example. They have shown the way for years and we have not listend.

    Now, before you revoke my Reagan card and send me over to the Soros camp, let me clarify.

    We need to follow Canada's example on education, not health care.

    For those of you who didn't know, while Canada does have a boondoggle of a socialized and failing health care system, they have a streak of Reagan individualism in them. There is no Ministry of Education. There is no federal cabinet official for K-12 education in Canada. Canada spends very little on Federal education. All funding and policy making takes place at the provincial and state levels.

    Contrast that with our system. Over 4000 federal employees in the Dept. of Education. And, Washington gives 10 percent or better of the funding of k-12 education. And also, we have a 19 billion dollar education budgetal increase. This is a total appropriation of over 78 billion dollars. Since 1970, inflation adjusted spending per pupil has risen almost 200%, while achievement by 17 year olds has stagnated, and drop out rates increase. Obama wants to furnish college students with $173 billion in 2011. What are we getting for this? Let's see.

    While more people are getting degrees, those degrees are not worth as much as they used to be. There is a huge surplus of degree hlders. According to the US government, only 21% of jobs require bachelor's degrees. Also, the bang for the buck in higher education has gone away. The most recent National Assessment of Adult Literacy shows that the percentage of Americans whose top degree is a bachelor's who were proficient readers dropped about 10 points between 1992 and 2003, and only about 38% were proficient in 1992. Aemricans with graduate degrees saw comparable drops. But the costs continue to rise in college. Why? Well, more free cashola or less restrictive cashola has encoraged students to demand more from schools--rec centers, gourmet food, big time dorms--and enable schools to pass the costs along to Mom and Dad, and all taxpayers who foot the bill for federal aid. It should come as no big deal to learn that real aid per student rose 149% since 1979, while public four year college charges swelled 105%.

    And what of public schools? Well, while failing schools continue to get money thrown their way, the failure rates continue to go up. We continue to fail students upwards, putting out students with less knowledge and academic foundations than their forebears even a generation ago. While they may be able to text and facebook, their knowledge in math and civics has cratered.

    As Ronald Reagan said, education isn't "an isolated bureaucrat in WAshington"'s responsiblity. It is "a parental right and responsibility." However, we have let many parents abdicate this role, even as they decry teachers working their best in a failed system. We need to get the feds out of education, as Canada has done and continues to do.

    In Canada, there is freer experimentation and innovation than in American schools, where unrealistic and unindividualized mandates must be followed. In the US, Washington bureaucrats have used the feds' pockets as a carrot to push states to meet federal directives. Several Canadian provinces provide direct per student grants, similar to vouchers, to private and independent schools. In provinces like British Columbia and Alberta, school choice has empowered PARENTS at all income levels, and academic achievement has skyrocketed. Meanwhile, in the US, we throw more money at failing school systems and the problems only get bigger. According to a study from the Fraser Institute, "Achievement scores are not only higher generally in th provicnes that fund independent schools, but also higher particularly among studetns from less advantaged backgrounds." The study also finds that public schools, forced to compete with private schools, improve their performance. Wow, free markets work!!! Imagine that.

    On the 2006 Program for International Student Assessment, Canada destroys the US almost across the board. In Math, the US scores 474 (below average), and Canada with its free market approach scores 527. In reading, Canada outscores America. This is all the more explosive when you realize the US outspends Canada by 20% per student.

    But, let's also take a lesson from civics. Aside from its governance of the District of Columbia and the due process clauses in the 5th and 14th Amendments, the Constitution gives the Federal government NO POWER over education. The founders realized how dangerous such a thing could be, and how it could lead to some monolithic system that discriminates systemically. Which is what has happened. I guess the Court judges who have shamefully used the general welfare clause to allow abuses of power like this to go on should go back to school. But, maybe they should go to Canadian schools for lesson in what competitive and achieving schools should look like.

    Like the healthcare issue, the government needs to get out of the way. While Canada has realized this in education, they failed to do so in healthcare. We need to look at Canada's success in education and failure in healthcare and realize government needs to let the market decide, and let the rising tide of competition and achievement lift all boats. Artificial goals and incentives only destroy achievement and incentivize mediocrity. Don't American children deserve better?

    ORP Chair Calls on Fisher and Brunner to Refuse Special Interest Donations

    (Columbus) - Ohio Republican Party Chairman Kevin DeWine called on Democratic U.S. Senate candidates Lee Fisher and Jennifer Brunner to denounce and refuse a massive, multi-million dollar investment in the 2010 election by the AFL-CIO, one of nation's largest special interest groups.

    Fisher and Brunner recently condemned a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that lifts a ban on political spending by corporations and unions, saying it will bring an onslaught of "negative, hyperbolic ads" and undermine a core American value that "voters, not special-interest groups, should decide elections."
    "If they're so opposed to special interest groups trying to influence Ohio's elections, then I'm sure they won't have a problem calling on the AFL-CIO to put their money somewhere else," said DeWine.
    The labor union recently announced plans to spend upwards of $53 million this year by rolling out its "biggest political campaign ever." According to news reports, Ohio is one of six states to be targeted by the labor union, with funding directed at congressional races.
    "They can't have it both ways," DeWine added. "Lee Fisher and Jennifer Brunner want to condemn special interest spending on the one hand while using the other hand to give their allies a big thumbs up," Dewine added. "If they think this type of spending is so destructive, they should denounce it and tell these groups to spend their money elsewhere. My guess is we're just seeing another example of Democrats saying one thing and doing another."

    County Auditors Endorsing Yost Against County Party Endorsements

    I've been working on the second issue of the WMD Weapons Inspector Report which includes a list of endorsements by various folks and organizations in the Yost vs. Morgan Auditor Death Match Primary From Hell and I noticed something interesting...

    Both Brown County's Doug Green and Greene County's LuWanna Delaney have gone against their county party in their endorsements.  Green and Delaney have endorsed Yost while their county parties have endorsed Morgan.

    Central Committee members in both counties may want to take notice...

    Of course, this is really about having something to say about the Weapons Inspector Report...sign up in the box at the top of the sidebar if you haven't already.

    Monday, March 08, 2010

    CHART: Ohio Governor Race

    Source: Rasmussen Reports

    Dates: 1) 9/25/2009 2) 12/7/2009 3) 1/12/2010 4) 2/5/2010 5) 3/4/2010

    CHARTS: Ohio's US Senate Race

    Source: Rasmussen Reports

    Dates: 1) 9/25/2009 2) 12/7/2009 3) 1/12/2010 4) 2/5/2010 5) 3/4/2010

    Morgan Supports Campaign to End Ohio's Death Tax

    Huber Heights, Ohio - Auditor of State candidate Seth Morgan, CPA announces his support today of Citizens United to End Ohio's Estate Tax.

    "I applaud this grassroots campaign to end Ohio's Death Tax and urge all Ohioans to join me in supporting this effort to begin the process of returning Ohio back to economic prosperity," said Seth Morgan, CPA.

    "Working families in Ohio have already paid considerable taxes on any money saved during their lifetime, and taxing their hard earned money again at death is unfair, arbitrary and bad for job creation. Additionally, Ohioans are at an added disadvantage because Ohio is one of only a handful of states that levies a death tax at the state level," Morgan said.

    Citizens United to End Ohio's Estate Tax is a grassroots statutory initiative campaign to end the harmful death tax effective Dec. 31, 2012. The campaign is being supported by fiscal and social conservatives, tea party activists, business and industry groups from across Ohio. For more information, visit