Wednesday, September 08, 2010

89th Ohio House: Johnson Announces Five More Endorsements

PORTSMOUTH – Dr. Terry Johnson has unveiled five additional endorsements in his campaign to be elected 89th District State Representative today, all of which go toward his ability to help Ohio add jobs.

Dr. Johnson announced endorsements from the Ohio Society of CPAs, the Ohio Restaurant Association, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) SAFE Trust, Local 92 International Brotherhood of Teamsters, and the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation-AGGPAC.
He said the endorsements reflect confidence in his ability to help create jobs and balance the state of Ohio’s budget.
“It means a lot to me that I have received support from the Ohio Society of CPAs, the Restaurant Association, the NFIB and our farmers and organized labor,” Dr. Johnson said. “Creating a business and job friendly environment and bringing common sense and sanity back to the state budget are two of the greatest challenges our next state representative will face. It means a lot that leaders in these crucial job related fields are placing their trust in me.”
Johnson has also been endorsed by the Ohio Right to Life PAC, the Buckeye Firearms Association, Ohio Veterans United, the Ohio Osteopathic Association PAC, and the Ohio State Medical Association PAC.
“I’m honored by the support this campaign has received, but I know that this is about something far bigger than me. It’s about finally getting our leaders in Columbus to pay attention to our needs in southern Ohio,” Dr. Johnson said. “It’s about protecting our children from the scourge of prescription drug abuse. It’s about putting the hardworking men and women of southern Ohio back to work. To put it simply, it’s about the people.”
Dr. Terry Johnson serves as Scioto County’s Coroner, a position to which he has been elected three times. He is a twenty year veteran of the Ohio National Guard and has completed multiple tours of duty in Iraq.