Saturday, December 18, 2010

Voinovich on "Don't Ask / Don't Tell"


WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator George V. Voinovich (R-Ohio), today released the following statement regarding his vote in favor of repealing “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell:”
            “I vowed to keep an open mind on the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,’ pending the release of the Defense Department’s report earlier this month. Having reviewed the report, I accept its findings and Secretary Gates’ recommendation and reassurance that the repeal will be implemented when the battle effectiveness of our forces is assured and proper preparations have been completed.
            “The repeal of ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ will be implemented in a common sense way – our military leaders have assured Congress that our troops will engage in training and address relevant issues before instituting this policy change.
            “I am pleased ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ has come before the Senate as a stand-alone piece of legislation, as opposed to Majority Leader Reid’s efforts to tack this issue onto the Defense authorization bill. This issue deserved to be debated in the light of day, not hurriedly attached to a larger piece of legislation in hopes of sneaking passage through.”
The prelude to a "YES" vote?  I think so...  Good riddance...just how much more damage will this guy get to do before our long suffering nightmare is over?