Wednesday, June 01, 2011

150 Economists (and most people with Common Sense) Say no Debt Limit Increase without Spending Cuts

150 Economists agree with Speaker of the House John Boehner and House Republicans when it comes to raising the debt limit. Democrats just want to spend spend spend. However, this cannot last. Here is the skinny:
Last night, the House stood with the American people and rejected the Obama Administration’s plan to raise the debt limit without spending cuts – a plan that would hurt our economy and destroy more jobs. Today Speaker Boehner released a statement signed by more than 150 economists who argue that – to help address our job-crushing, spending-driven debt crisis – budget reforms and spending cuts should be larger than any increase in the debt limit

Here is the gist of the statement:
An increase in the national debt limit that is not accompanied by significant spending cuts and budget reforms to address our government’s spending addiction will harm private-sector job creation in America. It is critical that any debt limit legislation enacted by Congress include spending cuts and reforms that are greater than the accompanying increase in debt authority being granted to the president. We will not succeed in balancing the federal budget and overcoming the challenges of our debt until we succeed in committing ourselves to government policies that allow our economy to grow. An increase in the national debt limit that is not accompanied by significant spending cuts and budget reforms would harm private-sector job growth and represent a tremendous setback in the effort to deal with our national debt.

Check out the full text and signatories here.

More and more people are realizing just how disastrous the Obama-Pelosi-Reid economy and fiscal policy are. We cannot sustain this craziness. We have to make some hard decisions...and fast.