Saturday, March 01, 2014

Ohio Republican Party Jumps Shark


The Enquirer is reporting that the Ohio Republican Party has failed to endorse John Becker and two other area Republican state representatives because they DARE to hold the line on spending.

John Becker has done more for the Ohio Republican party than anybody I know. He has fought the good fight with friends in the Tea Party and other conservative groups that the ORP was an organization worth investing time and energy. His dedication to that cause is one of the reasons why WMD has restrained itself from completely and utterly abandoning any and all hope that the ORP could be reformed. All of that is nothing.

THIS is how the Ohio Republican Party rewards people who have differing views. Where's the 80% with us bullshit line now?

I had always suspected that Bill Batchelder was a tool. That he has allowed this nonsense confirms what I have always suspected. This guy is a loser and I'm grateful that he can do us no more damage thanks to term limits.

These idiots have even recommended endorsing Peter Beck. That dude is going to prison.


I can't stand this much Stupid.