Saturday, February 14, 2004

Bush Orders Full Release

From the AP article on My Way News:

Hundreds of pages of documents that the White House said comprise President Bush's entire military record offer no new answers to the election-year questions that have swirled around his Vietnam-era service. Democrats who have led the criticism greeted Friday's release of documents with skepticism.

"Each revelation of material from the Bush White House has raised more questions than it has answered," said Democratic National Committee spokeswoman Debra DeShong. "It remains to be seen if these newest documents will provide any answers."

Matt's Chat

The alternative WMD headline for this story is "Dems Demand Yet Another Recount...Again...Still...Whatever..." Can't you people get it? The man honorably served his country. Yet again, Terry McAwful (where are you by the way, you owe the President an apology) send out his minions to demand a recount. You lost in 2000. You've lost this one. If I were you all, I'd worry about my OWN CANDIDATE.

Mark's Remarks

Matt, they lie to everyone including themselves. They are just like the parable in the Bible. They try to call attention to the speck in someone else's eye while ignoring the 2x4 in their own. They are shameful. We have eyewitness accounts, documentation, and it still will not be enough. Why? We had more evidence to show what a miserable failure of a President Bill Clinton was, what a miserable failure of a man he was, and he was given a free pass. Why do the Dims and libs continue to project their own guilt over duplicity onto this President? It is because they fear that they might lose. Rather than ask honest questions about their own candidate and his values (or lack thereof) they instead wish to cast doubts about this President, and in the process cast aspersions on the thousands of men and women reservists and Guardspeople in this country, and serving overseas, not to mention the thousands of reservists who died in Vietnam. Even John (by the way, did you know I was a Vietnam war hero) Kerry cast aspersions on the Guard in several of his quotes. The man has no character. He is merely a political huckster, and as time goes on, I hope more Americans see that.