Saturday, February 14, 2004

In the Crosshairs: Max Cleland-showing what Dims think of Servicepeople

As usual bold emphasis added by me:
On "Hardball" Monday night, Cleland demanded to see Bush's pay stubs for the disputed period of time, May 1972 to May 1973. "If he was getting paid for his weekend warrior work," Cleland said, "he should have some pay stubs to show it."

The next day, the White House produced the pay stubs. This confirmed what has been confirmed 1 million times before: After taking the summer off, Bush reported for duty nine times between Nov. 29, 1972, and May 24, 1973 -- more than enough times to fulfill his Guard duties. (And nine times more than Bill Clinton, Barney Frank or Chuck Schumer did during the same period.)

All this has been reported -- with documentation -- many times by many news organizations. George magazine had Bush's National Guard records 3 1/2 years ago.

All available evidence keeps confirming Bush's honorable service with the Guard, which leads liberals to conclude ... further investigation is needed! No evidence will ever be enough evidence. That Bush skipped out on his National Guard service is one of liberals' many nondisprovable beliefs, like global warming.

Cleland also expressed outrage that Bush left the National Guard nine months early in 1973 to go to Harvard Business School. On "Hardball," Cleland testily remarked: "I just know a whole lot of veterans who would have loved to have worked things out with the military and adjusted their tour of duty." (Cleland already knows one -- Al Gore!)

Moreover, if we're going to start delving into exactly who did what back then, maybe Max Cleland should stop allowing Democrats to portray him as a war hero who lost his limbs taking enemy fire on the battlefields of Vietnam.

Cleland lost three limbs in an accident during a routine noncombat mission where he was about to drink beer with friends. He saw a grenade on the ground and picked it up. He could have done that at Fort Dix. In fact, Cleland could have dropped a grenade on his foot as a National Guardsman –- or what Cleland sneeringly calls "weekend warriors." Luckily for Cleland's political career and current pomposity about Bush, he happened to do it while in Vietnam.

Mark's Remarks

While I may not fully agree with all of Ann's extremism, she does back up her claims with documentation, which, of course, Al Franken says she does just so you won't look up her sources...of course Al would say that because he is a stupid skinny idiot (I think that would be a great book title), who instead chooses to smear rather than research.

What troubles me is Cleland's "weekend warrior" comments about Guardsmen and reservists is not getting much press. In fact, until I found this article and then went through some transcripts of Hardball did I even know about Cleland's character assassination of the Guard.

As to how he lost his limbs, it makes you wonder. While it is a tragedy, and I honor him for going to Vietnam, does this man have a right to cast aspersions on the Guard? Did he sacrifice honorably, or was it simply a case of whoops!? I am not sure, but no one should cast aspersions on the men and women who serve us in the Guard and Reserves. There are over 5000 names on the Vietnam Wall who came from the Guard/Reserves who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Would Cleland denigrate them with Weekend Warrior status? Do we want these elitists running our country? I think not.

This was Mark....thanks for reading.