Tuesday, February 24, 2004

But It's Been a "Positive" Campaign Season

From the Sun-Sentinel:
[Hillary] Clinton criticized the Bush administration for its handling of the economy, stewardship of the environment and overseeing of health care and education.

"We are going to have to clean up after them when we get back into the White House," she said.

And from Yahoo News:
Kerry said. "I think he's on the run because he doesn't have a record to run on."

Matt's Chat

Shrillary, President Bush had a TON of cleaning up to do after your hubby left the White House. We're still cleaning up YOUR mess.

And Mr. Kerry, you can try to deflect attention off your Senate record, but you are too late...word is out that you have a history of being politically expedient. You have more positions than anybody else on virtually every issue. President Bush isn't running from his record...you are!

How's that positive campaign going for you Democrats, anyway?

Mark's Remarks

Wow, Hillary, you know, you should know about making messes:
1. That nasty stain on the rug at the Oval Office, eau de Monica, perhaps?
2. All the shredded paper you left behind in your office.
3. The trashing and disappearance of White House furniture and amenities.
4. Your husband's idiotic foreign policy
5. Your tax agenda which helped cause a recession
6. Illegal campaign contributions from monks and rogue nations
7. Making employees about to reveal your scandals disappear (Vince Foster, Ron Brown)
8. Having a daughter with such an ugly face, but she has a nice rack, so who knows, maybe Bill will marry her (y'all are from Arkansas, and that might be legal there).
9. Your hair and makeup, please send them back to the wax museum, Mrs. Bush has no desire to look like Frankenstein's bride
10. Bringing shame and dishonor on the Presidency with lying and lies.
11. And, did I mention Haiti? Bosnia? The War on Terror, which you and hubby boneheadedly treated as legal issue? Your messes, dear.

THIS PRESIDENT is cleaning up all that. God, I hope you never return to the White House except on a tour.

Now, Mr. Kerry, we know what you would do. Invite your various PAC and special interest buddies in and have them redecorate it into a bachelor pad. You could then entertain even beyond Big Willie's style and show more highlights of your war movies to Dana Delaney and others and see if you had the same luck now as you did then.

You sir, are a deceitful politically expedient traitor to your brothers in arms, and I hope more people see the truth. Unlike you and your party, WE ARE LOOKING AT YOUR VOTING RECORD, not digging up half truths and etc. like you and Terry McAwful are doing to this President.