Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Secy of Education Paige is an Idiot

From Balloon Juice
Unfortunately, Al Qaeda isn't nearly as bad at terrorism as the NEA is at educating our children.

Sometimes people are visual learners. For those who don't get why Rod Paige's remarks are offensive...

Matt's Chat

I couldn't have said it, or illustrated it, any better than John Cole at Balloon Juice. You should really check out the story.

Mr. Paige, that comment was out of line and inappropriate. If it was meant to be a joke, it wasn't even remotely funny. We are at war. It is no laughing matter. And this analogy puts you in the same class as those Bush=Hitler idiots at (Can't)MoveOn.org. You are officially a scumbag in my book. You should resign. If you don't, the President should fire your butt...

Mark's Remarks

OK, Mr. Paige said something stupid, and I agree that he should leave the Administration. IN fact, I think the whole department of education is a farce, and states should be given control of education. The dept of ed. has been nothing but a farce, and it has too often been manipulated by the NEA and activists. Better to streamline the process and return education to its roots.

AS for the NEA, they are not terrorists, but they are darn close. And remember, I AM A TEACHER. They are just like other liberals...They will only stand up for you when you fall into their party line. Any deviation, and well, you are on your own. I experienced that firsthand.

As to the other bit about Sean Hannity's book "Deliver Us from Evil" why don't all you naysayers actually read the friggin thing before passing judgement? I am sick of hearing how he is insensitve etc. because of the title! What about both of Franken's books? What about most of everything Carville says? I am tired of that crap. Read the book and you will understand the title. Actually read, don't just judge. Thank you and have a great day.


Secy. Paige apologizes, but that isn't good enough for Democrats. However, there wasn't a similar outrage from Democrats when John F-ing. Kerry called Republicans "legislative terrorists." In Jan. 1996, commenting on the federal government shutdown, Kerry called the House Republicans 'legislative terrorists,' who used federal workers as pawns and disrespected them. Asked about his terrorist comment, Kerry explained, 'Terrorists hold hostages, and the Republicans are holding the government hostage'... (Matt Drudge)

Classic. Double standard. I'm sure Halliburton was involved. There should be an investigation. Ahh...my heart just isn't in it...