Sunday, February 22, 2004

Immigration Update: The Stick to Counter the Carrot

From Reuters:
The United States and Mexico agreed on Friday to tighten security along their border and start sending illegal immigrants caught sneaking across the frontier back home by bus or plane.

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and Mexican Interior Minister Santiago Creel signed an accord to step up cooperation on security on the border, seen by some as the soft underbelly for the U.S. war on terror.

The agreement includes a controversial plan to start repatriating illegals to their hometowns rather than simply dumping them on the Mexican side of the frontier.

The two countries have yet to work out details of the repatriation plan, a touchy issue for Mexicans sensitive to any sign of U.S. interference in their internal affairs.

"Together we need to reinforce secure and orderly repatriation of migrants to their places of origin," Ridge told a news conference in Mexico City.

Mexico is also keen to ramp up security on the 2,000-mile border to cut the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans who perish every year making the dangerous illegal crossing in search of a higher standard of living in the United States.

Matt's Chat

I paraphrase the Great Communicator: "Mr. President, BUILD that wall!" Our border security is a major issue that must be addressed as it should be a big issue in the Homeland Security debate that is sure to dominate the coming election season.

This is good news that we're starting to take the border control issue a bit more seriously. Now, let's get past the talk and let's get to the action.

Mark's Remarks

See, the whole Worker Program was not the only course for immigration. With tighter border controls,and holding the Mexicans accountable as well, this should produce a more orderly situation. Once again, Mark was and is on the right track....

Good work, let's step up this security, round up the illegals leeching away money, and then get the ones who want to work documented and processed so we can put our resources to use better.