Sunday, February 22, 2004

Kerry Doesn't Get It

From My Way News (AP):
Kerry also defended his military record during an interview taped Saturday for broadcast Sunday morning on ABC's "This Week."

"I don't know what it is that all these Republicans who didn't serve in Vietnam are fighting a war against those of us who did," the Massachusetts senator said.

Kerry has campaigned on his Vietnam combat record, which includes three Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star and a Silver Star.

Chambliss said Kerry, despite his service, has a weak record on military issues.

"He has a long history, particularly in the last decade, of not only voting to cut intelligence spending, but introducing bills to cut intelligence spending," Chambliss said.

Cleland, a Democrat, had some criticism for Chambliss.

"For Saxby Chambliss, who got out of going to Vietnam because of a trick knee, to attack John Kerry as weak on the defense of our nation is like a mackerel in the moonlight that both shines and stinks," he said.

Matt's Chat

NOBODY is attacking Kerry for his service in Vietnam. People all over this country are examining what the senator has done SINCE and they aren't liking what they are finding. The issue isn't whether or not John Kerry is a war hero (he is, just ask him); but rather, does John Kerry have a record that would indicate that America would be more or less secure with him as president. My answer, after looking at Kerry's record, is a resounding "HELL NO!"

Kerry must face the implications of what he has done since Vietnam. No amount of shifting focus on to Vietnam or blaming Republicans is going to take the spotlight off a record (dare I say, "legacy") of being on the wrong side of history and negligence.

Democrats are fond of telling us what they think the President should do. Allow me, dear readers, a moment to tell Senator Kerry what he should do: take responsibility for your actions, ommissions, deceit, conceit, and betrayal; stop shifting blame for your hypocrisy and failure; cease misleading the American people about being the "Real Deal" and get real.

Senator Kerry, like the White House press corps and most Democrats, is about eight military conflicts behind the rest of us. Vietnam is not the issue. Defeating terrorism and keeping America safe is...

Mark's Remarks

This whole flap shows me two things: Libs are masters at twisting words and distracting from the facts, and two, that liberals want us to go back to Vietnam.

Mr. Kerry, no one is disparaging your service. Mr. Chambliss in fact was talking about your voting record. In fact, every friggin program I hear Conservatives on starts out their criticisms of your sorry past by saying they are disparaging your war record. However, Mr. Kerry, your record on defense AS A SENATOR, quite frankly, SUCKS!!! You voted against every major defense system we now employ so well, including the Patriot missile, the F-16, the F-15, the Stealth programs, the B-1, and other defense programs that are key to us now. You have flip flopped on moral issues. You have flip flopped on supporting Reagan's assault on Libya, and now you have flip flopped on the war, voting to give the President permission to send our men and women into battle, then voting against the money slated to help them and finance our rebuilding efforts.

No one is challenging your service in Vietnam. However, everything you did since coming home from the war suggests you are nothing more than a sorry sack of monkey vomit, spineless liberal appeaser politico who will say and do anything to gain influence. It behooved your forays into politics in the 1970s to betray your now well regarded "band of brothers" that you parade on stage as and I paraphrase your quote, ' rapists, murderers, killing civilians and animals for sport.' You said those things about the very same men you are now claiming to represent. Sir, it has been you who is Benedict Arnold with your fellow veterans. Now, in order to make yourself appear less of the pantywaist on defense that you and your left of Teddy Kennedy gaggle are, you bring up your war record. Where was your outrage, sir, when your party elected a draft and ROTC dodger who left the country to get out of serving his country 11 years ago, Mr. Kerry? Where was that outrage then?

The truth is, you liberals will attack anything but the issues. Since more people are starting to see the benefits of the growing economy, that issue is dying. Since more people are seeing what is really going on in Iraq and elsewhere, that issue is dying. Since our President, unlike that draft dodger you supported 11 years ago, has shown firm leadership and moral clarity; you cannot attack his record as President. So, you go for the low blows. Call him a draft dodger...bring back the ghosts of those wounds again. Compare Vietnam to today's Iraq, bring down the morale of our troops. It worked for Kerry and his liberal ilk in the 1970s, and they are trying to use it again. Remember, John Kerry participated in mock massacre drills on Washington Square slandering our troops overseas in Vietnam. He wore fatigues with the North Vietnamese flag painted on them. He led a debaucherous parody of the landing of Iwo Jima by having some of his followers plant an UPSIDE DOWN AND TATTERED AMERICAN flag as those brave Marines did in WWII.

He has tried to whitewash his record and deflect any scrutiny of his votes. Do not let him have his way. Examine him and find him to be the spineless leftist that he is. He is merely pandering to his fellow Vietnam veterans, trying to invoke their anger at a situation he helped to foster, the dissent against the Vietnam War. Do not let him get away with this. Report his shoddy record, and make him defend it. Don't let him try to play the "you are victimizing me and veterans" game. It is a tired liberal/Democan't trick of self-victimization. Do not fall for it.

Kerry, with your letter and your slanderous charges against all Republicans, you have proven your true colors.....Vain, self promoting, power hungry liberal.


Tim Perry reminds us that it was Terry McAwful who said, "George Bush never served in our military and our country."