Monday, February 23, 2004

In Other News: Halliburton Probe

From My Way News (AP):
"The Defense Criminal Investigative Service, the criminal investigative arm of the Inspector General's office, is investigating allegations on the part of KBR of fraud, including the potential overpricing of fuel delivered to Baghdad by a KBR subcontractor," said a Pentagon spokeswoman.

Matt's Chat

I'm sure if we don't mention this hamsters will think Darth Halliburton has taken us over. Hey, hamsters...don't worry about us; feel free to put the tin foil hats back on...

Mark's Remarks

Well, Matt, they will only steal our catchphrases, as uncreative, uberliberal types always new ideas, only rehash of hate Bush, hate conservatives....sad, really.

As to this investigation, at least we have a President with ethics to investigate his friends....what about all Clinton's assistance and the illegal money flowing back and forth between his admin and companies that were fronting for the Communist Chinese? Where was the outrage then? Double standard? You betcha.