Monday, February 23, 2004

Vatican: Abuse Policy is Harsh

From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution
The Vatican issued a report Monday by non-Catholic sex abuse experts who criticized the policy adopted by U.S. bishops of removing abusive priests from the ministry, saying it was overly harsh and would not protect the young.

The report was released days before U.S. bishops issue their own national survey on sex abuse by clergy, which is expected to find more than 4,000 American priests have been accused of molesting minors since 1950--far more than previously estimated.

Matt's Chat

The Vatican can officially BITE ME... And yes, they can feel free to quote me on that.

Mark's Remarks

Wow, they want to protect pedophile priests, but yet recant on the Pope's comments about a powerful movie about the life of Christ....Hmmm...has the Catholic Church become too liberal? Has politics and activism taken away common sense? As a non-Catholic, I really have no place to judge, but these are some interesting questions. In my own denomination, there is a constant battle to stick to the Word and to not get into activism of purely political correct pursuits.