Sunday, February 29, 2004

InstaPundit: "It's Working" - Libyan Leader Says WMDs Posed Danger to Libya

From the VOA News:
Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi says he gave up his plans to develop weapons of mass destruction, because such weapons would have exposed Libya to danger, rather than protect it.
It was his first public reference at an international gathering to Libya's surprise decision last December to renounce its arms of mass destruction program. Colonel Gadhafi told leaders from other African countries that individual nations should not try to develop such weapons.

"Any national state that will adopt this policy cannot protect itself. On the contrary, it would expose itself to danger," he said.

Hat tip to Glenn, the InstaMan.

Matt's Chat

The Bush Doctrine is working...and the dominos are falling...the liberals keep hoping for something bad to goes on...

Mark's Remarks

No, it is all Halliburton...It is all big is all....oh wait, that was the useless whining in the face of truth of liberals...SORRY!!!

You know, if the large liberal media reported this, Americans would be better informed about how this President IS LOOKING OUT FOR US and how his policies are working. In fact, it would be great info. But, since it would hurt their party, the Dimocan'ts, then they will sit on it. Great objectivity, there, reporters, networks,