Sunday, February 29, 2004

Racist Democrat Update

From Calpundit:
Calling our policy racist is OK — it's not my style, but it's within the bounds of common polemical language — but the rest isn't. It's offensive, and it's still offensive regardless of whether Brown is black, white, or Martian. She needs to apologize, and she needs to mean it.
- Kevin Drum

Matt's Chat

At least ONE liberal gets really is a shame that the Party of Love and the rest of their Disciples of Doom don't get it...

Mark's Remarks

Well, when you drink rancid Clinton Kool-aid for so long, and you get in bed with the Hate America first crowd, then your logic and brain gets eaten away....For Matt and myself, we have no further to look than the not too distant past, when someone flew off the deep end into narcissistic, shameless, self gratification at the cost of friendship and decided namecalling beats rational arguments anytime.