Wednesday, February 18, 2004

It Is Official: Dean Is OUT

Listening in to the Rush Limbaugh program and he's got the Howard Dean "concession" show live.

Matt's Chat

Another one bites the dust. Dean had potential to be a disaster for our country and I thank God that the Democrats are not that dense. It restores my faith, somewhat, that there are still a few Democrats with some sanity.

Lesson to pull from this campaign: the Democrats passion is in their hatred of Bush. It is ALL that they have. Clearly there are no other ideas that they can sell even to their own.

Note that there is STILL more emotional reaction to dean than there is to Kerry or Edwards (although Edwards gets better crowds than Kerry).

Mark's Remarks

Man, I am gonna miss Howard. He was so good for comedic relief, and at least he had a personality, egomaniacal and demented though it might be. And, in the case of one hamster out there, it should show you the depths of their "loyalty." The moment Dean wavered, he put up a "Kerry for Prez" logo on his site, even before Dean was out. Yep, real values there, Lefty.

Back to Howeird. Wow, one scream and you are done...Sounds like the Clinton Oval Office.