Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Kerry Won't Quit Senate


Sen. John Kerry doesn’t plan to resign his Senate seat while he pursues the Democratic presidential nomination.

Kerry spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter said Kerry, who has won 14 of the 16 Democratic primaries and caucuses to date, “will continue to fight for the issues important to the people of Massachusetts and all Americans” as he makes his bid for the White House.

Darrell West, a Brown University political science professor, said it would make sense for Kerry, who is serving his fourth term in the Senate, to resign.

“He doesn’t need the money or the aggravation, and he’s going to be spending most of his time campaigning,” West said. “It would help for him to not have to vote.”

At the same time, West said, Kerry could lose everything if he resigned his seat and then didn’t win the White House.

Matt's Chat

The turth is in the SUB-TITLE of the article. The real reason why Senator Kerry won't resign from the Senate to pursue the White House is that the Governor of Massachusetts would get to choose his replacement.

Yep. You guessed it. The governor is (gasp) a Republican.

Now, if Ms. Cutter would just say know, the truth...I could respect that. But to say that the Senator is "continuing the fight" for the people of Massachusetts is ridiculous. If anybody in this race has been AWOL, it's Senator Kerry who hasn't been representing the people who elected him (that's the folks who expected Kerry to be their SENATOR - you know, the people of Massachusetts) to the Senate in quite some time.

Mark's Remarks

Yes, continue to fight for the people of Massachusetts, right! Exactly how have you fought for them, Mr. Kerry? Those eight pieces of legislation you put forward, all of which were defeated soundly? The many absent votes over the past few months and years? The use of government funds for travel to all sorts of exotic places? The taking of money from Beckdell, and in return allowing a bleeding sieve of a highway project in Mass. to continue at tremendous cost overruns? Continuing to put your own political survival over the interests of your state and your country? Is that how you fight for Massachusetts? Of course, they must like it. They voted for your sorry traitorous rear in the elections.

Oh, and Matt raises a good point. Wouldn't want the Dims to lose a potential Senator, could influence the course of the Senate....Who are we kidding? The R's in the Senate have been spineless in standing up to the Libs in the Senate...what would one more R be?