Friday, February 27, 2004

I've Got About Five Minutes, So I Will Keep It Brief....

You know, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Trolling around the blogosphere, I notice some hamsters have decided to copy almost down to the tee WMD. These hamsters have resorted to stealing some of our catchphrases, and have even stolen our format. While this format is no one's 'exclusive property' it is amazing that someone who wanted nothing to do with either Matt or myself, engaged in nefarious namecalling and idiocy, and who continues to call us cockroaches, even as we have moved on to bigger fish, has decided to copy our whole scheme of things. What, does he want a show to do to? Is it because we are getting critical acclaim, and he still is just the whining liberal with no new ideas? I believe that is it.... Don't be fooled by the hamster imitators, since first of all, they are wrong on the issues, and second of all, they only namecall, and cannot provide facts to back up their claims, unless they come from Dimocan't talking points.....But, this liberal hamster is trying to triangulate our ideas here at WMD. What a fool! Sorry for taking up so much time, but this idiot claims to be SO CREATIVE and that he is so superior to everyone, but yet, he has to copy off of two conservatives like Matt and me. I mean, not just veiled copying, but out and out xeroxing. Dude, you are a sad, uncreative, uninventive, morally and creatively vacant individual. Very sad.....

Often imitated but never duplicated, WMD!!!! SETTLE ONLY FOR THE ORIGINAL!!!!