Friday, February 27, 2004

This is Rich...

This is CNN:
Trolling for votes in the delegate-rich Golden State, Democratic front-runner John Kerry slammed President Bush Friday for alienating allies and doing "too little" in the war on terror.

"I don't fault George Bush for doing too much on the war on terror," Kerry told an audience at the University of California at Los Angeles. "I believe he's done too little. Where's he's acted, his doctrine of unilateral pre-emption has driven away our allies and cost us the support and critical cooperation of other nations. Iraq is in disarray with American troops still bogged down with no exit in sight."

Matt's Chat

For the millionth time, there are over 30 nations in the coalition of the willing. Also, for the millionth time, the war in Iraq was the continuation of hostilities from the last war in Iraq (you know, the one where Saddam agreed to cooperate with the world community). Saddam Hussein is the man to blame for the war, Mr. Kerry; not President Bush. Say, Mr. Kerry, didn't you VOTE FOR THAT WAR? Yup. Hmmm...

The war in Iraq was not unilateral; was not pre-emption; nor did it cost us the support and/or cooperation from nations. The Democrats are lieing to the American people about the war in Iraq because it went so well. The war was a resounding success. We've never gone so far, sa fast and with so few casualties. We captured Saddam Hussein when all the Democrats said we never would. Democracy will come to Iraq and it won't be because of the Democrats. Hence, all the lies. Lie after lie after lie.

And no, Mr. Kerry, the American people have not forgotten about your Senate record our your anti-war activities after Vietnam. I hate to be the one to break it to, actually, I don't.

Mark's Remarks

Mr. Kerry, I do not care if Germany and France are mad, as long as we do not have another Sept. 11, and guess what, so far we have not!!!! Thank God for that! Thank God that Mr. Bush sent in our forces. You appeasement types would have spent forever going to the UN, domintated by anti-American countries, to sit and stew for permission to protect our interests. Mr. Kerry, and all you hamsters out there, we are not the bad guy. WE WERE ATTACKED!!!!

Also, Matt is correct in discussing the whole continuation of the previous Gulf War. If you go according to the treaty (and you liberals love bringing up treaties, except when it torpedoes your argument), it stipulates that the ending of hostilities is contingent upon Iraq abiding by UN sanctions, etc. They did not do that, so according to the treaty, we could resume hostilities, and we did.

As to our soldiers being bogged down in Iraq, the only thing holding or bringing them down is you and your party's rhetoric of hatred toward this President and our efforts. You marginalize their mission, while giving lip service to their sacrifice. You marginalize our efforts to help the Iraqis, and you talk about building such efforts up, BUT YOU VOTED AGAINST THE 20 BILLION TO HELP THIS SITUATION!!!!! You, sir, are nothing more than a posturing buffoon, one who is so unsure of his credentials you have to constantly bring up your Vietnam service whenever anyone challenges your position. That shows your weakness sir, and you can only pander so long and stall before people become wary.

You have presented no plans, you have presented nothing but anti-Bush rhetoric. You have no position.

Mr. Kerry, we cannot wait for the rest of the world to wake up. We are dealing with maniacal madmen bent on our destruction. While the world plays around, we are getting attacked. You would rather wait until one of these animals HAS a nuke, then do something. Then, it would be too late.

You and your party are seeking to undermine our security, and our very pride in our nation. You erode at our resolve by your rhetoric, and you give aid and comfort to the animals going after us. Who is not doing enough, I ask you!