Saturday, February 21, 2004

Jobs and the Economy

From WMD and the TIB Network:
Why aren't these figures being reported? Why doesn't the mainstream media market these figures? Why is every increase called 'disappointing?" It is spin. They want you to feel the tax cuts have not worked, when they have. Also, they like to sell bad news. They, the media, have joined with the liberal politicos and have decided they are going to spin this recovery, because they simply do not like the President. They do not want you to know about the household survey. They only want you to have half the story. Well, that is poor reporting, and poor leadership. They have put their political interests ahead of the people, and we cannot let them get away with that. We are gaining more jobs, as we change to a new style economy and workforce. Liberals, however, want you to think it is still the 1970s, and think all jobs have to be traditional. As change happens, we must adapt, and their will be fits and starts. However, the data has shown conclusively that the workforce has responded and grown, but liberals want to spin the facts into smear. Do not let them. Know the truth.

Matt's Chat

Great stuff Mark! Everybody go read this stuff. It is lengthy but chock full of good stuff!