Sunday, February 22, 2004

Osama Surrounded?

From the Sunday Telegraph:
A BRITISH Sunday newspaper is claiming Osama bin Laden has been found and is surrounded by US special forces in an area of land bordering north-west Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The Sunday Express, known for its sometimes colourful scoops, claims the al-Qaeda leader has been "sighted" for the first time since 2001 and is being monitored by satellite.

The paper claims he is in a mountainous area to the north of the Pakistani city of Quetta. The region is said to be peopled with bin Laden supporters and the terrorist leader is estimated to also have 50 of his fanatical bodyguards with him.

The claim is attributed to "a well-placed intelligence source" in Washington, who is quoted as saying: "He (bin Laden) is boxed in."

Matt's Chat

If true, this is fantastic news. Let's watch this one develop and see what happens, folks; as this could be a major win for the United States of America, our allies in the Coalition of the Willing, and the world.

I need not mention (but I will anyway) that the political implications of Osama's capture would be a magnificent boon for the Bush administration.

Mark's Remarks

Yes, but in all these stories the implication is that the reason the evil UBL has not been captured yet is because the President is waiting for the right POLITICAL moment. While not directly stated this way, many of the stories related to this one say all that is holding things up is the President.

Here, folks, we have the liberal spin once again. They are trying to further give credence to their b.s. line that the President went to Iraq merely for Politics, and that the whole war on Terror is about politics. Ladies and gentlemen, if this President cared more for the politics of the situation than in prosecuting it directly, we would not be in Iraq and that evil Dictator would still be raping, pillaging, and torturing. If this President politicized the war and intelligence, we would not have gotten Saddam yet, but would have kept him on ice longer for better gain.

Again, you liberals out there are projecting the guilt YOU feel over politicizing this war and intelligence and in jeopardizing the lives of our brave men and women overseas. Ahh, liberals, full of denial and venom.....always wanting to bring back the 1970s, the era of high gas, infidelity, recession, and chaos. You love the 70s liberals, you really do. You want to take us back, not forward. Citizens, do not let them.