Friday, February 27, 2004

Kerry's Plan for War on Terror

Democrat John Kerry outlined his plan to combat terrorism Friday that relies on stronger intelligence-gathering, law enforcement and international alliances, rebutting increasing criticism of his national security credentials from President Bush’s campaign.

“I am convinced that we can prove to the American people that we know how to make them safer and more secure with a stronger, more comprehensive and more effective strategy for winning the war on terror than the Bush administration has ever envisioned,” Kerry said in remarks prepared for delivery at the University of California at Los Angeles.

Kerry said Bush has “no comprehensive strategy for victory in the war on terror.”

Matt's Chat

I read a LOT of rhetoric, not a lot of "PLAN" here, Sen. Kerry. Maybe we should blame this fiasco on the guy who wrote the headline...

Here is the money shot:
Kerry also accused the president and “his armchair hawks” of weakening the U.S. military by failing to provide proper equipment.
This from the guy who voted down most every useful piece of hardware our forces used in Iraq...

Here is Kerry on the Hunt for Osama:
“We’ve heard this news before,” Kerry said. “We had him in our grasp more than two years ago at Tora Bora, but George Bush held U.S. forces back and instead called on Afghan warlords with no loyalty to our cause to finish the job. We all hope the outcome will be different this time.”
What happened to all those cries, moans, and whines for "internationalization?" Oh, you meant the French? Well, why didn't y'all say so...

Mark's Remarks

OK, Senator, you want MORE funds in the War on Terror? You want more intelligence gathering? Then answer a few questions for me:
1. Why did you vote against the 20 billion in Iraq?
2. Why have you voted against funding for every major weapons system we now use?
3. Why did you bring up the idea of dismantling the CIA?
4. Why have you voted many times to slash the intelligence and military budgets?
5. Why is it you have consistently shifted your position on intel and military matters depending on which constituent you are talking to?

Also, Mr. Kerry, you continue to say this administration does not know how to fight the war on terror. If you and your party had their way, we would never have fought back after 9/11. It would be a criminal investigation. Oh, you may have sent more missiles up a camel's butt or into an empty tent, but that does nothing. At least, Mr. Kerry, we are taking the fight to the terrorists. At least we are fighting them over there, and not over here.

And let's discuss you bringing up letting Osama get away. I believe it was your buddy and Messiah Bill Clinton who had many offers from the Sudan of UBL's head on a plate, and turned it down. So, sir, who really fumbled the ball?