Friday, February 27, 2004

WMD Joins Blogs for Bush

Announcement from Blogs for Bush:
Blogs For Bush began as a simple idea back in the summer of 2003. Today, the reality of what Blogs For Bush has become is astounding.

I am pleased to announce that this week, the Blogroll For Bush has grown beyond 300 blogs!

More than 300 blogs added to the Blogroll For Bush since we launched less than 4 months ago!!!

This is quite a milestone for Blogs For Bush. I'd like to thank and congratulate every blogger who has joined our cause. We will help lead our President and our nation to victory in November! We will keep our country headed in the right direction!

We welcome the following blogs to the Blogroll For Bush:

New England Republicans
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Leap Year Politics
Dizzy Girl
Song of the Suburbs
Proud Member of the Right Wing Conspiracy...
The Eagles Nest
Exultate Justi
Serenity's Journal
La Shawn Barber's Corner
Weapons of Mass Discussion
William Webb
The Temporal Globe
UPDATE: Rizzay's Ramblings

Matt's Chat

We're thrilled to be a part of this great cause! Our President deserves our support and anything we can do to assist this President get re-elected.

Welcome to any and all readers visiting from Blogs for Bush!

Mark's Remarks

YES!!!! I can feel the power of our fellow coalition of the willing members now!!!! Thank you for the recognition, and we hope you will join us in this mission to get the Right Man, George W. Bush, reelected at this most crucial of times!!!!