Thursday, February 19, 2004

Oh Kerry...

From the LA Times via the Houston Chronicle:

From 1996 through 1998, Kerry participated in a letter-writing campaign to free up federal funds for a missile system that defense contractor Parthasarathi "Bob" Majumder was trying to build for U.S. warplanes.

Kerry's letters were sent to fellow members of Congress -- and to the Pentagon -- while Majumder and his employees at Science and Applied Technology, Inc. were donating money to the senator, court records show.

During the three-year period, Kerry received about $25,000 from Majumder and his employees, according to Dwight L. Morris and Associates, which tracks campaign donations.

Documents say the contractor told his employees they needed to make political contributions for him to gain influence with members of Congress. He then reimbursed them with proceeds from government contracts.

Federal prosecutors initially determined that $13,000 of the donations were illegally reimbursed, but they now say that nearly all of the money was tainted. They said there was no evidence Kerry would have known that.

Asked what he did to repay the money, Kerry's campaign said Wednesday he had donated $13,000 to charity two days before the guilty plea. Kerry's campaign said Kerry's actions had nothing to do with the campaign contributions. One of the subcontractors working on the guided missile project, Militech, was based in Northampton, Mass.

Matt's Chat


What a hypocrite. Knowing that this stuff is on record, why would you go on and on and on about special interests in politics as if you were above all that.

Campaign finance reform has a LONG way to go. People like John Kerry make the case stronger; especially since the spotlight is on him now. No, that wasn't a compliment.

Mark's Remarks

Yes, I believe Mr. Kerry said he would show the special interests the door. Which door is he talking about? I believe he will be showing them the front door to the Oval Office. He is beyond a hypocrite...he is an out and out liar. He is more beholden to the special interests than any other Senator, except maybe Ted Kennedy, who is beholden to Jack Daniels.