Thursday, February 26, 2004

Someone in Congress is a RACIST

From the Miami Herald:
U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown verbally attacked a top Bush administration official during a briefing on the Haiti crisis Wednesday, calling the President's policy on the beleaguered nation "racist" and his representatives "a bunch of white men."

Her outburst was directed at Assistant Secretary of State Roger Noriega during a closed-door meeting on Capitol Hill. Noriega, a Mexican-American, is the State Department's top official for Latin America.

Matt's Chat

Now here is the lame excuse that her spokesperson released:
"I think it was an emotional response of her frustration with the administration," said David Simon, a spokesman for the Jacksonville Democrat. He noted that Brown, who is black, is "very passionate about Haiti."
I demand an investigation. HALLIBURTON! What? She's a Democrat...DARN IT! Well, it was just a joke. Let's sweep this under the rug like we did that Hillary laugher about Mahatma Ghandi. Now, if we could get something on a Republican...THAT would be news!

Spare me. Hamsters, will you denounce this woman and call for her resignation? Or are you spineless little chisel monkeys? I'm not gonna hold my breath for this either...

Here is the money shot:
Noriega later told Brown: "As a Mexican-American, I deeply resent being called a racist and branded a white man," according to three participants.

Brown then told him "you all look alike to me," the participants said.
Disgusting. The Party of Love can now officially BITE ME too...

Mark's Remarks

"You all look alike to me" Brown was overheard to have said....Hmmmm....But this is not racism on her part, no! It is just frustration, because the only racists that exist are Republicans and Conservatives....It does not matter that it was mostly Republicans who got the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s passed. It does not matter that it was a Republican Administration that had the first black national security advisor and SecState. Nope, they must be racists. Even as liberals assault jewish people with the veiled reference of neocon, even as this Brown assaults Noriega and demeans him, the stereotype perpetuated by the media is that it is Republicans who are racist. Hmmm....This shows otherwise....Ms. Brown, you should resign immediately, or at the very least let loose a very sincere apology. But, why should you? You are a minority and a liberal, so that means the regular rules of responsibility and decorum and decency do not apply to you; or at least that is the way it usually goes with the media and coverage.

I agree with Matt: DIMOCAN'TS, YOU CAN BITE ME!!!!