Thursday, February 26, 2004

France: Troops to Haiti

From My WayNews (AP):
French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin on Wednesday called for the "immediate" dispatch of an international civilian force to restore order in Haiti, where a rebellion threatens to topple President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

The statement by the foreign minister also said Aristide was to blame for the violence in Haiti.

"This force would be charged with assuring the restoration of public order and support actions in the field of the international community," de Villepin said in a statement. "It should have the support of a government of national union."

France also said it wants human rights observers to be sent to the troubled Caribbean nation and a "long term" engagement of international aid aimed at reconstructing Haiti's economy.

Matt's Chat

Oh, I get it...he's not calling for French troops...he wants the UN to go in...which means, he wants the US to go in. Nope. And what makes this different from, say, Iraq? The French haven't surrendered to anybody lately, I guess...

Mark's Remarks

OK, so if Aristide is to blame for the violence, it must be the US President who helped set him up in must be Bush, since he is the master of evil, right? It must be!!!! DARN!!!! Once again, the culprit for a big foreign relations international mess is one WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON, and his appeasement party, the Dimocan'ts.

And a personal note: You know, liberals claim to be creative. They claim to have such inventive ideas. I haven't heard any. The liberal hamsters, not only do they steal Halliburton catchphrases, right man at right time catchphrases, but now the local hamster is even putting up a cartoon at the top of his site....gosh, if you wanted to be such followers of Matt and myself, you should have said so....but groupies, ooops, stalkers like you the world could do without.....