Thursday, February 26, 2004

Tuesday Briefing Question

From the White House Briefing Room:
Q Why do this now? And why isn't this an issue to be worked -- to work its way up through the courts?

Matt's Chat

Doncha remember last week, when the press was hounding Scotty about when the President was going to come out in favor of the amendment? Then they ask this stupid question. Think about that for a minute...

Mark's Remarks

Well, to answer the question, the reason Bush has to do this is BECAUSE OF SOME of the Courts. Instead of it working the way it is supposed to, where the people who want to change society work through the legislature, we get activist judges and lawbreaking mayors who want to make names for themselves, because they have so little self-esteem for their jobs and want to be famous, that we have to amend the Constitution. It was the liberals who forced this, not Conservatives. It was the extreme leftist activists who forced this issue....nuff said.