Friday, February 27, 2004

Benedict Arnolds

From the Washington Post:
Sen. John F. Kerry (Mass.), the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, frequently calls companies and chief executives "Benedict Arnolds" if they move jobs and operations overseas to avoid paying U.S. taxes.

But Kerry has accepted money and fundraising assistance from top executives at companies that fit the candidate's description of a notorious traitor of the American Revolution.

Executives and employees at such companies have contributed more than $140,000 to Kerry's presidential campaign, a review of his donor records shows. Additionally, two of Kerry's biggest fundraisers, who together have raised more than $400,000 for the candidate, are top executives at investment firms that helped set up companies in the world's best-known offshore tax havens, federal records show. Kerry has raised nearly $30 million overall for his White House run.

Kerry has taken aim at "Benedict Arnold" companies as part of a much broader political and policy debate over stemming the flow of well-paying U.S. jobs overseas, a chief cause of unemployment, especially in the hardest-hit manufacturing sector. Kerry's solution, detailed in a speech yesterday in Toledo, is to enforce trade agreements, track and slow the outsourcing of U.S. jobs, and stop government contracts and tax incentives from going to companies that move operations or jobs offshore.
We should also note that Matt Drudge is reporting that while Mrs. Kerry is blasting Wal-Mart white out on the campaign trail for her husband, it turns out that she owned (owns?) a significant amount of stock in the company that "destroy[s] communities."

Matt's Chat

You see, what the Party of Love is trying to do is project their weaknesses on to President Bush and then attack him to divert attention from themselves. This tactic will not work. Even the mainstream press, who want to see Kerry win, aren't buying it. Kerry is nothing more than a tax and spend, Massachusetts liberal with a record of being on all sides of most any issue. He is running away from his record because he knows that he's in trouble. The Kerry campaign is in trouble, folks, and they know it. You can tell when a liberal is in trouble because they shift focus to something else and then try to blame Republicans for what they did. When they get to namecalling, and they already have, you know they have nothing else left...

Mark's Remarks

Yes, it was I who first identified their projections of weakness onto those who oppose them. They are doing it again. They take tremendous amounts from unscrupulous trial lawyers, and now we have Kerry basically calling everyone but his own Benedict Arnold wife names. He is singling out Americans as traitors, even as his wife is one of the bigger outsourcers, with 56 or 57 factories outside the US. Of course, I am sure Ter(eh)za will say that it was really her deceased first husband who outsourced, even though the records show otherwise. Then, she will scream, "Halliburton!!! I demand an investigation...I have been mind manipulated..." No Heinz lady, it is you and your husband trying to manipulate and play on the fears of us common people. It is you and your husband trying to ignite class envy, in a time when we need to be united.

Friends, do not stand for it. Call out the REAL Benedict Arnolds- John Kerry and Ter(eh)za Heinz Kerry and the liberals who support them, not because they believe in the Kerry vision (if there is such a thing), but rather simply because he is not George W. Bush. For shame that so many would put their own single minded hatred ahead of the security and prosperity of the nation, but that is what liberal synchopants do.