Monday, February 16, 2004

Update: Dem Says 9/11 Panel Co-Chair is Partisan

From the Chicago-Sun Times (Robert Novak):

Democratic Whip Harry Reid of Nevada, who each day roams the Senate floor protecting the minority party and pummeling George W. Bush, showed up Wednesday carrying a paperback book. It was David Brock's Blinded by the Right, and Reid used it as a blunt weapon against President Bush's choice of Judge Laurence Silberman as Republican co-chairman of the bipartisan commission to investigate Iraq intelligence failures.

Reid cited at length Brock's screed against the author's erstwhile conservative colleagues, including his former mentor, Judge Silberman. Sen. Byron Dorgan of North Dakota, another Senate Democratic leader, on cue showed up to join the auto-da-fe. They accepted as gospel Brock's accusations against Silberman, who is now in senior status on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. While Silberman describes Brock as ''an unmitigated liar,'' Reid used the book as justification for calling on Bush to withdraw the judge's selection. Republican senators were as feckless as ever. Not one of them rose to speak in defense of Silberman.

Matt's Chat

Given an inch, this hamster now wants a mile. The President could have picked nine Demcrats and they wouldn't have been partisan ENOUGH for these idiots.

Silberman's record shows him to be an independent thinker. That is what this panel needs. Not hamster hacks bent on seeing things that aren't there.

It is getting uglier every day, folks...

Mark's Remarks

Silberman is partisan? And the whining, b**ching, complaining, lying Congressmen like Kennedy, Rockefeller, Dasshole, and Pelosi are not partisan? Give me a break. These libs want everything. Not only do they want an investigation, they want it headed by someone out to hang Bush. There is a Dimocrapic co-chair. It truly is sad to see the party of Jefferson and Jackson become nothing more than a bunch of whiny, petulant, unoriginal, crybaby sad sacks of monkey scrotum sweat that the dimocraps have become as they have become more socialist and liberal.