Tuesday, February 24, 2004

What that "Neoconservative" Label Really Means to the Left

From Michael J. Totten:
Yesterday I took aim at Kalle Lasn, the editor of Adbusters magazine, for cheerleading the mayhem of World War IV.

I’m not finished with him yet.

His newest editorial is even worse than the last one. The title says it all: Why won't anyone say they are Jewish?

Let’s just pause a moment before wading into it.

It hardly matters who he means by “they” in the title. “They” are a group of people who, for whatever reason, Mr. Lasn thinks need to be “outed.” Here he is posing as the brave writer bucking the tyranny of political correctness to tell the truth that others dare not say. “They” are Jews. As if this means something important. Aha! he expects his readers to think. They’re Jews. That explains it.

“They,” by the way, are neoconservative intellectuals. Or, I should say, “they” are half the people on his list of neoconservatives. He has a tidy list of 50 people he labels as neocons. He penciled in a little dot next to all the Jewish names. At least he didn’t use a yellow star.

Matt's Chat

Mark and I were just talking about this the other day... The Party of Love is showing their true colors again...

Mark's Remarks

Next thing you know, they will be demanding loyalty oaths for party primaries? OH WAIT, THEY ALREADY TRIED TO DO THAT, DIDN'T THEY? Wow, who is the party of intolerance and bigotry now? Who is the party of keeping people in poverty, in a cycle which rewards further degradation of the family and societal structures? I believe the answer to that is the liberal/dimocrapic party. If I were Joe Lieberman, I might want to get out of Dodge before they ship me off somewhere.

The so called welcoming party of the Dimocan'ts is the most monolithic gathering of special interests. They demand blind allegiance, and ask everyone to sip the Kool Aid of the cult of moral relativism. It is no surprise they are going after new converts to Conservatism, because it is taking away from their traditional voting bloc, and power accumulation and the worship of the State as a god is all the libs are concerned with.